Chapter 16: You Can Open Your Eyes Now

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"My apartment's a bit messy, I apologize."

"It's OK if you have dishes in the sink, I won't judge..."

Asahi turned the key unlocking the door, looking back with eyes that pleaded for you not to look down on his untidy home.

After meeting at the coffee shop, Asahi and you went over the final details Kiyoko wanted to add to the dress. Somewhere in the conversation, Asahi asked if you wanted to see what the final touches would look like. He figured Kiyoko chose you as her Maid of Honor because she trusted your judgment and he certainly did; you were co-designer on most of his projects when you two were dating.

"My apartment isn't too far from here if you want to see the dress..."

"How many other people have you used that line on?", you said with a smirk.

"What?!?", Asahi yelped, blushing from the innuendo.

You laughed with your hand in front of your mouth. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I'd love to see the dress! Man, I figured after all this time you wouldn't be so easy to tease!"

The fashion designer adjusted his glasses on his face and sighed. "Well I have to say, it's certainly nice to have you tease me now and then. I've honestly missed it so much..."

You stopped laughing when Asahi fixed his eyes on yours and smiled. You panicked from the eye contact and got up from your seat in a hurry.

"Stop it! You're gonna make me blush!", you joked nervously. Asahi realized you were getting your things together so he proceeded to do the same. "My car's outside so just lead the way."

Asahi put his sketch pad in his bag and zipped it closed."Yes, I'll do that!"

You followed Asahi's car to his apartment but you were confused when you saw the car stop in front of a building that had a glass-like exterior. Revolving doors went round and round as you walked through, standing in the lobby of the building and gazing all-around at the beautiful interior.

"I'm so glad there was parking right out front", Asahi said.

You laughed in confusion. "Asahi, I thought you were taking me to your apartment, not a hotel!"

"Nishi said the same thing when I first moved here", Asahi said, coming to an epiphany. "You both are so alike...I can't believe I didn't notice it before..."


Asahi greeted the woman at the front desk and they had a quick conversation. You walked up to him and watched as the two conversed.

"...Well you're a face I don't recognize!", the woman gleamed. "Asahi, is this a friend of yours?"

"Yes, we used to go to school together. She's helping me with the dress I designed for our friend's wedding."

"It's very nice to meet you", you bowed.

"It's nice to meet you as well- Oh! Before I forget..." The woman bent down under the counter and handed Asahi a package. "This came for you but it couldn't fit in your mailbox."

"Thank you so much, Yumiko", Asahi said.

"Just doing my job!", she laughed.

Asahi and you said goodbye to the woman at the front desk and started walking to the elevator. Yumiko kept a smile until the elevator doors shut and ran to the back room where her coworkers were lounging.

"She's- AHH! She's here!"

"Yumiko, what are you talking about?", Momo, one of her coworkers said, confused at why Yumiko looked like she was about to burst.

You're Gonna Make Me Blush (Asahi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now