Chapter 3: Manager? Count Me In!

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"The answer is 3. X= 25"
"That is correct. Good job, Y/N!", your teacher responded with a proud tone in his voice. He was glad to see you paying attention and participating in class. "Well class, the dismissal bell is about to ring so we are done for the day. Have a good Friday!", he said as the bell rang.

Look at you Y/N, answering questions in class and paying attention, I am so proud of you. I am gonna treat myself to some ramen on the way home. You know what, I should ask Kiyoko if she wants to come with me, but I don't want her going out of her way...Jesus, just ask her already...

As you finish packing your things in your bag, you see that Kiyoko is already packed, waiting for you to turn around. You notice that she doesn't have on her regular blank stare, but an expression like she was waiting to tell you something.

"That's weird, your face has emotion today...did hell freeze over?", you joked.
"Well, you stayed awake for the whole class and even answered a question, so I guess it did", she quickly rebutted.

Surprised at her comment, you scoffed and laughed, "Damn, I can't even lie you got me there. Well, you gotta give me credit where credit is due, right?"
"Yes, that is true. Now, do what you did today every day for the rest of the year and you'll be good.", Kiyoko teased

"Oh my God, did you and my mom switch bodies or something?", you said while you and Kiyoko both giggled at each other's snarky comments. "Anyway, what did you wanna tell me?"

Kiyoko reached into her bag and pulled out a sheet of paper. "So, the coach of the volleyball team asked me to find people that would be interested in being a manager alongside me. I went around asking multiple people but no one was interested. I don't really get along with people that well but I consider you a friend and thought that you would be interested in being a manager. The boys are really good and we are-" Kiyoko's words start fading away because out of all of those words you only focused on one: friend.

Friend?...friend! She said "friend"! Oh my goodness, I finally made a friend. It's not usually hard for me to make friends but since I'm in a different country, I am so happy about this. Huzzah!

After you finish squealing in your head, you realize Kiyoko was still talking and refocused on what she was saying. "...going to the Inter-High prelims. Though we do have quite a few troublemakers, I'm sure you'll find that they're a team you want to root for. So what do you say, will you join as a manager?"

"Manager? Count me in!", you proclaimed. "That sounds really cool, and I'll be with you so I am more than interested." Kiyoko blushed a little. "Really? That's great. Well, if you're not busy can you start today? We are having a meeting today about some practice games we have before Inter-High pre-lims."

"Yeah, sure! Beats going home and laying on the couch", you said awkwardly laughing at your shameful after-school routine.

After not having to do much convincing, you and Kiyoko start making your way towards the gym. Even though you were excited to start your new extracurricular activity, there was another ulterior motive to why you said yes to Kiyoko's offer: you wanted to see him again. It's been three days since you've seen Asahi. When you said to him that you would like to walk home with him more often, you were planning on asking him for his number but got scared and didn't. You don't have any classes with him and didn't want to go around the school hopelessly looking for him, so you just left it alone.

I haven't really thought about it much but I haven't seen Asahi in 3 days...WHO AM I KIDDING I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!! I'm so dumb I should have got his number, but I chickened out and  I'm about to see him again and it's gonna be awkward because I thought he blew me off and he's gonna think that I blew him off and I am going to die inside. Yes, I wanna see him but I'm not going for him. I'm going so I can-

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