Chapter 9: Tell Me What's Wrong!

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"Good morning guys!", you said as you walked on the bus. Everyone said good morning to you and you sat down next to Kiyoko. Chatter filled the bus as the boys were excited for the match against Shiratorizawa. As everyone conversed with each other, you found yourself muffling out the noise around you. What happened last night was like a fresh cut and you kept on picking at it.

I can't believe I cried in front of him, that's so embarrassing...I want him to focus on the game today...he needs to focus on the game today, not what happened last night...

"Y/N are you OK? You don't look so good...", Kiyoko asked.

You stopped freaking out in your head and looked at your friend and smiled. "Oh me? I'm fine, I promise."

Daichi and Sugawara walked on the bus and greeted everyone. When they walked down the rows, they decided to sit in front of you and Kiyoko. "Good Morning, ladies!", Daichi said.

"Goodmorning!", you two responded.

Sugawara looked around and realized that you were here but Asahi wasn't. "Hey, where's Asahi? You two always come to school together..."

"Yeah, is he sick?", Daichi added. "He didn't text me or he OK?"

You sat there in silence because the truth of why you came to school by yourself was too much to bear. Just as Daichi was about to call Asahi on his phone, the missing person stepped on the bus. "Hey Asahi, I was just about to call you..."

Asahi walked on the bus and his face looked like he just attended a funeral. His head was hung down so when Daichi said his name, he popped his head up and changed his facial expression to a happy one. "Good morning! Sorry I'm late, I had to stop somewhere before I came."

Asahi darted his eyes from you and you sank even deeper into your seat. He sat down in one of the single-seats on the bus and took a sip from his water bottle.

Now I feel even more like an asshole for walking by myself to school...

Daichi and Sugawara knew their friend well enough to know that something was wrong. "Asahi are you OK?" "Yeah dude, are you feeling OK?"

"I'm fine...", he said with a serious look on his face.

"Did you cry in your sleep again, because so did I-", Daichi said. Asahi put in his headphones and dismissed Daichi's question. Daichi and Sugawara took the hint and left Asahi alone but made a mental note that something happened to their friend last night.

During the whole bus ride, you looked over at Asahi, waiting for him to talk to you. You felt bad for not walking with him to school this morning but didn't expect him not to talk to you. At that moment, you assumed that Asahi was mad at you for dismissing his advances last night and ditching him this morning, so you were going to act accordingly.

I feel bad for freaking out, running away, and ditching him, but he has no right to give me the silent treatment! You know what? I'm probably overreacting...

The bus finally made it to the Sendai City Gymnasium. The boys were filled with excitement as they re-entered the gym. There were a lot of people in the stands, including Tanaka's sister Saeko, the Neighbourhood Association, and some students from Karasuno. The boys got themselves ready for the game and you noticed that Daichi was admiring a good luck charm Michimiya gave him. Sugawara and you crept up behind him and decided to tease him for his gift he got from his "good friend".

"Ooh, did Michimiya give you that?", the two of you teased.

Daichi turned around and glared at you and Sugawara with fire in his eyes. "Sugawara go get ready!...You really wanna go there, Y/N?"

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