Chapter 23: Open The Flood Gates of Heaven

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1,376, 1,377...1,378...1,379, 13...- Wait no, what comes after 1,379? Dammit! Whoever said counting sheep helps you fall asleep is a liar!

Your frustrated eyes flung open and were greeted by the ceiling. That nap in the car had altered your circadian clock. Rubbing your eyes, you turned to look at the clock on the nightstand.

It's only 2 AM? I thought it would be later than that.

A faint sound was coming from the other side of the bed; sound-asleep Asahi with his hair sprawled across his pillow. Tranquil was he and it made your heart melt. His chest slowly moved up and down, his steady breaths, his long eyelashes that would flutter every so often. Even when he is doing nothing he makes you so infatuated with him.

You couldn't help it. He kinda had that effect on you.

You reached over and gently tucked his hair behind his left ear scooting slowly in fear of waking the sleeping beauty. His body heat was keeping you nice and toasty under the covers as the moonlight shined. through the window illuminating his precious face.

Is it crazy that I think we are going to be together for a very long time? Maybe even the rest of our lives? Well if it is, put me in a straight jacket and toss me in the nearest loony bin! But seriously...I wanna be laid up like this every single night staring at that handsome face. He looks so peaceful right now. Am I being a creep by watching him sleep? Oh, sue me! I'm in love with him! Wait! I can cancel my flight tomorrow, move in with him today, and then I can watch him sleep all the time- OK, now I sound creepy. I mean this could be the guy that's sleeping next to me as my husband one day-OH MY GOD THAT'S SO CRAZY TO EVEN THING ABOUT! But is it? We haven't had that conversation yet but could he see me as his wife? In my head, he's already my husband-OK! NOW you sound like you need some grippy socks, Y/N...

You place your hand on the man's warm cheek and whispered, "Why do I have to go home tomorrow? I had the best time with you and I don't want it to end. I wish we could always be together like this..."

The steady breaths coming out of Asahi's nose abruptly stopped and his eyes slowly started to open. Arms and legs expanded across the bed stretching himself awake from his deep slumber.

"What's going on? Are you OK?"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up", you shushed him back to sleep. "I was just talking to myself."

Asahi's brown silky hair flew behind him as he propped his head up on his forearm. "It's alright. No worries. What's the matter? Can't sleep?"

Your head shook up and down. He leaned over you to look at the clock on the nightstand to see the time, body hovering over you and the ends of his hair tickling your face. Bringing the clock an inch away from his face Asahi read "2 AM" through the opening of his squinting eyes.

"I'm sorry I woke you", you said from underneath him.

"It's fine, Y/N", Asahi assured, readjusting himself on his side of the bed. "Well since I'm awake, what's on your mind?" Hesitancy was written all over your face and Asahi rubbed your shoulder with great concern. "Talk to me hon, what's wrong?"

"I was just thinking about my flight back home today", you said.

A moment of silence filled the room as you both just gazed at each other, emotions bursting through your chests. Asahi pulled you into his arms and kissed your forehead. "It doesn't even feel like a month has gone by", he sighed.

"We have been enjoying ourselves. Time stopped in our world and continued in the other", you pointed out. "It is what it is but with everything, thanks for creating new memories with me to cherish on the plane home."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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