Chapter 7: What Are You Waiting For?

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"Who would have known you have a crush on Asahi? Tell me, is that also the reason you became our manager?"

You felt anger coursing through your veins as you watched Tsukishima gloat at his hypothesis that had been proven right.

I swear to God, this little dinosaur-loving weirdo is so annoying. How did he know? I swear I wasn't making it obvious. I don't want him spreading rumors around when I'm not ready to tell Asahi yet. I'm not even sure myself! Just find a way to get him to keep his mouth shut...

"You know, I'm surprised you're here by yourself. I would expect your boyfriend to be here with you. You two are practically joined at the hip."

Tsukishima got off the wall and walked towards you. "Yamaguchi is not my boyfriend, and don't you ever call him that again!", he growled.

"Oh, wow! I was right, he is your boyfriend. I didn't say a name but the first person you could think of was Yams, who would have known?", you laughed, throwing his words back in his face.

"What? Hey- Don't change the subject, and stop calling him my boyfriend!", Tsukishima said.

"I'll stop calling your boyfriend your "boyfriend" if you keep your mouth shut. You caught me red-handed so I'm not even going to try to defend myself, but I don't even know for sure if I like him so I don't wanna get everyone's hopes up. No! What am I saying?!? Whether I like Asahi or not is none of your business, OK?!? You got that?!?"

Tsukishima looked at you with an annoyed look on his face. "Jesus, are you bipolar? Your emotions are all over the place-"


Your anger shocked Tsukishima and he admitted defeat to the tit-for-tat you were having with him. "I wasn't going to ask that. I was going to say you should figure out your feelings soon because you guys are about to graduate and you may never see him again. I could care less about your love story but it would be a shame if you stopped yourself from telling him just because you're scared."

You stood in silence as you listened to Tsukishima's words. You guys were always arguing so it startled you that he was this calm. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but your right... I'm sorry I yelled at you."

Tsukishima smirked. "Of course I am." He walked past you and headed toward the gym doors that lead outside. He put his hand on the door and looked back at you. "I won't tell anyone about your little crush, it's not my place to do so. But, you should tell him you like him because there's a reason why Asahi likes to walk home with you..."

As you watched Tsukishima walk outside, you reflected on the words he said to you.

You know, I honestly thought he was going to rat me out, but he didn't. I kinda feel bad that I was so harsh....ever since we met, we have never clicked and I always felt like he didn't like me, but maybe I was wrong...WAIT A MINUTE?!?! DID HE SAY THAT THERE IS A REASON ASAHI LIKES TO WALK HOME WITH ME?!? Does that mean...Does Asahi actually like me? OK Y/N, he still could just be your average nice guy...just your neighborhood wholesome boy...but maybe, just maybe he does like me...

While you played "He loves me, He loves me not" in your head, you felt the urge to use the bathroom. "I was just pretending to have to use the bathroom, but now I have to use it!"

After you used the bathroom, you rejoined the barbeque outside. You looked for Tsukishima and found him having a plate of food being shoved in his face by Daichi. Daichi was telling him he should eat but Tsukishima refused. Bokuto was also telling him that he needed to eat meat to get big and strong like he was. Kenma was also sitting there getting bombarded by Kuroo to eat more food. You watched the interaction between the two introverts on the stairs and the three extroverts hovering over them. It was a weird interaction but very amusing to watch.

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