Hair Dye

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"I'm bored," Matt whined kicking his legs in the air in frustration a laugh escaping your lips. You closed the book you were reading turning your head to face him watching as he crossed his arms slouching into the couch.

"Go outside." You shrugged sitting up on your knees. Matt rolled his eyes, sitting up and turning to face you. "We can't...stupid virus shit." Matt groaned resting his head on your knees looking up at you.

"Then find something to do." You smiled down at him running your hands through his hair gently.

"I think I've done everything, I've done laundry read two chapters of a book and I cleaned and organized our guest bedroom." Matt said as he counted down on each of his fingers to make you laugh loudly.

"You mean I did laundry while you watched I read two chapters of the book for you out loud and I cleaned and organized our guest bedroom while you sat on the bed talking to my mom on face time." You pointed out leaning down and placing a soft kiss against his lip.

"We were having an important conversation." Matt said wrapping his arms around your neck pulling you down again and kissing you.

"Shit talking is not an important conversation." You giggled sitting up and raising his head from your lap. "Yes it entertain me" Matt said clasping his hands in front of him begging silently.

"Okay get up I think we should rearrange the living room."

"Not like that...let's do something fun." Matt sat up running a hand through his hair as he thought of something . Snapping his fingers before turning to face you. "Let me dye your hair we can have matching hair color and be cuter than usual." Matt nodded making you shake your head in disapproval.

"Nope, I'm not letting you dye my hair." You said sticking your tongue out at him while you stood up. "Please for the love of god Think of something else."

"Please if it comes out bad I'll let you shave my head as punishment I'm sure that by the time we're allowed outside my hair would have already grown back." Matt begged you before standing up.

"Help me rearrange the living room and I might let you dye my hair." You grinned kissing his cheek before patting his chest and turned your attention picking up the trash that had gotten messier on your coffee table throughout the day.

"I can't believe you're making me do manual labor instead of having fun." Matt said leaning over and helping you out.

"Write about it in your diary."

"Hmm...maybe I will."

Matt Damon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now