Hands To Myself

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"Were you just touching yourself?"
Matt whispered in your ear wrapping an arm around your waist. You let out a sigh removing your fingers from your panties before turning your head to face your sleepy boyfriend.

"I couldn't sleep." You said feeling Matt's fingers draw patterns against your bare stomach.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Matt then kissed your temple pulling you closer to his body before nudging your thighs open.

"You were tired I really didn't want to bother you." You sighed out as his fingers played with the lace band of your panties. Him teasing you as he touches as his lips found the base of your neck.

"You're never a bother and I'm never too tired to give you what you need." Matt smirked against your neck before leaving open-mouthed kiss behind. Matt's  hand making its way into the inside of your panties. Matt's index finger softly rubbing over your clit making you whine. "Tell me what you need baby?"

"Your fingers Matt." You moaned as he spread your lips around teasing your entrance.

"I'm gonna need more than that angel." Matt bit down on your sweet spot as a soft moan running past your lips. "Do you need my fingers here?" Matt said pinching your clit gently your hips bucking against his hand causing him to let out a chuckle. "Or do you need them here?" Matt teased placing two of his fingers at your entrance tempting you even further.

"Yes." You breathed out as your eyes closing from the pleasure running through your body. Your body falling apart underneath his touch. Something Matt always prided himself in.

"That's not enough." Matt said kissing your cheek sloppily as his teasing continued.

"Matt." You said frustrated while gripping his wrist. "Your fingers...I need them inside of me please." Your breathing stopped for a second when he finally inserted his fingers inside of you stretching you out.

Matt moved them slowly at first letting you get used to his fingers kissing your neck slowly getting you to relax. You dug your nails deep into his skin leaving behind tiny marks as the pleasure increased in the pit of your stomach. Matt laughed softly  as he increased his pace scissoring his fingers  deep inside you your moans giving him the motivation he needed to help you orgasm.

"Isn't this better than your fingers?" Matt said sitting up on his elbow as he looked down at your face into all kinds of pleasure. A sight he would never get tired off especially because he was the one pleasuring you.

You nodded arching your back as he finally reached the spot you needed him most. "Feels so good." You hissed burying your head into his neck. Soft whimpers escaping your lungs as he increased his pace making sure Matt had hit your G- spot every time. Biting his bottom lip concentrating on helping you reach your high. Your hips had started bucking against his hand as his thumb found your clit rubbing harsh circles.

"Let go baby I got you." Matt whispered as he felt you clench your insides around his fingers. And with one aggressive  thrust you came undone moaning out his name.

Matt leaned down placing his soft lips against yours swallowing your moans as he helped you ride out orgasm. You wrapped an arm around his neck pulling him closer to you as his kiss deepened. Matt pulled his fingers out of you while making you sighed against his lips before pulling away.

"Thank you." You breathed out playing with the hair at the back of his neck. Matt smiled kissing your nose lightly before whipping his hand on your sheets.

"Anything for you love." Matt winked wrapping his arm around your body before resting his head against your chest. "Now its time to sleep." Matt making you laugh.

"What about you?" You said kissing his head feeling his hardened length against your leg.

"We'll have time for that tomorrow morning and more now let's sleep." Matt said planting a soft kiss against your chest. You nodded smiling feeling the stress you had felt before leave your body. And before you knew you it you were welcoming sleep with open arms.

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