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"Another, please." You called out to the bartender as he acknowledged you with a nod.

"Damnit," a voice from behind you whispered just loud enough for you to hear. "I was going to offer to get you your next one." You turned around and were greeted by a tall blond stranger already holding a drink of his own. Taking a few uneasy steps towards you the scent of alcohol clung to his clothes as he greeted you.

"I'm sorry?" You questioned.

"Your next drink, darling!" He said a little too enthusiastically. You sheepishly looked down at the floor feeling a smile spread across your face.

"Maybe next time" you laughed embarrassedly in reply. You were never one to flirt with total strangers let alone drunk strangers — basically no one at all because you were too much of a nervous wreck.

Today was the night after your 21st birthday, so you felt obligated to test out your valid ID without being under the wing of your family, as you had been the previous night. No more sneaking around with the fake ID your friend had somehow conjured up for you no more payments to your older sister for a pack of beer even though you absolutely hated it. Now you could drink whatever and whenever you wanted - granted you had the money to do so... Nevertheless, this feeling of freedom seemed to boost your confidence.

"You here by yourself?" He asked. You began to notice his Boston accent.

"For now" you answered dryly. Your friend Anna was supposed to be meeting you here at the bar but she was half an hour late not answering any of your texts or calls at all. It was safe to say she was not going to show. Typical.

"Really? No boyfriend or anything?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. You shook your head and rolled your eyes, and with that, he took it as an invitation to occupy the seat on your left. He stuck his fingers into the small bowl of peanuts left on the countertop of the bar and tossed a few into his mouth from the air. Was this his way of trying to impress you? You thought worriedly this was not going to end well at all. For one he was completely drunk. And now the guy was catching peanuts in his mouth like a child.

"That's cute," you scoffed. His Blue eyes shifted their attention to the glass bowl on the counter and then to you. His tongue searched the back of his teeth -- probably picking out the peanut in it--, but he looked cute doing it nonetheless. The bartender set down your drink a nice fruity little cocktail with some sort of flower on top. You downed your drink quickly you knew you would need to be drunk to enjoy this interaction. "I'm Matt by the way." Matt slurred.

" The burning sensation in your throat was something you didn't quite build up the tolerance to yet, "excuse me." Matt laughed at that.

"Too strong for you? I can get you a lemonade?" Matt teased you . "Obviously, you don't drink much hm?"

"I... uh, maybe." You mumbled unable to make eye contact with him. Instead you held your gaze at the flat screen behind him a soccer game illuminated the screen.

"I'm right here" Matt hushed. He didn't quite catch your attention until he reached out with a finger under your chin. He lightly guided it to face him. Your heart felt like it had sunk to the tiled floor of the bar and you were suddenly aware of the fact that his legs were brushing against the sides of yours from underneath your chair.

"There you are" enunciating the silence in between each word. You grabbed his hand without much force and lead it to the edge of the counter. "Hands off" you said with a grin. You weren't going to play hard to get but you wanted to get the message across that you weren't easy, and this seemed to intrigue him even more. You could tell by the way he adjusted himself in his chair sitting up straighter than before and by the way he clenched his jaw stifling a smirk.

"Maybe now I can get you a real drink?" He suggested softly. The gentleness of his voice made you feel slightly at ease around him even though you two were strangers.

"I'd like that."

And with that the bartender slid the two of you a pair of shot glasses. You weren't completely sure what was inside of it at all and suddenly had worn off as your nostrils burned at the smell of the liquid.

"Never had whiskey before?" Matt laughed with a slight hiccup and reddened face. God how drunk was he?

"Of course I've had it before." You retorted. You studied him almost as if you were waiting for instruction. Thankfully he caught wind of your inexperience and quickly downed his shot Matt's face scrunched slightly after the contents of the cup were no more. You took this as your chance to drink yours while he wasn't paying attention in case your reaction was more dramatic than his.

You took one big gulp of it only to realize that there was still some left in the glass. You felt it travel down your throat burning a path on the way down. The last few sips were swallowed slowly afterward and unfortunately, these weren't any more pleasant than the first swig. You felt a chill travel up your spine as you felt the aftertaste coat the roof of your mouth and the inside of your cheeks and polluting your tongue. "Shit," you whispered to yourself you thought you were going to throw up. This was nothing like the beer you had drunk in high school or at the parties you went to. Suddenly, you found yourself missing the taste of beer compared to this. You couldn't help but cough as your eyes began to tear up. You were making a fool of yourself great. How do people drink this? You thought.

"Of course I've had it before," Matt playfully mimicked you from before. You would've grumbled at this if it weren't for you trying to rid of the strong thrill in your mouth. "Another," Matt said to the bartender, "just one."

"Make that two, please!" You called out. You refused to let all of your dignity go down the drain. Matt turned to you and grinned clearly entertained by you. "I'm not a pussy," You trailed.

"I didn't say you were."

"Well" you paused slightly thinking of something to say. You tilted your head and not words left your lips you just laughed at him.

"Tell you what" Matt huffed while pushing himself straight up in his chair. "If you can do three more of these my respect for you will sky-rocket." Your eyes narrowed at him and you thought of your wallet's cries of agony at the thought of spending any more money tonight. "My treat," Matt Insisted.

Perhaps it didn't occur to you that he was trying to get you drunk enough to come home with him that night with those three additional shots but hey they were his treat. Three shots sipped down and a few hours of conversation later about each of your lives you and he were in a cab on your way to his apartment.

The car ride to Matt's was nearly 15 minutes but the two of you sat nearly on top of each other in the cab practically itching to have sex ever since Matt invited you back to his place. Within two minutes of you getting into the cab with him he placed his hand on your thigh ever so gently. This though surprised you and you let out a slight gasp at the foreign touch.

"Shhhh,"Matt held a single finger out in front of his lips. It seemed so funny to you at the moment and you couldn't help but bite your lip to hold back your laughter. You swayed into his shoulder putting most of your into him as the cab made a turn and you tried to hurl yourself back up.

"mmmhfuck," you grumbled at your failed efforts.

From what felt like forever the two of you got to his apartment building and thankfully he was on the first floor so there was no need to wait for the elevator.

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