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"Matt" You yelled at him from the kitchen

"What is it?" He yelled from across the bedroom

"I'm making breakfast Matt what do you want?" You yelled as you went to the fridge to grab some orange juice.

"Don't Worry I'll make my own breakfast okay" Matt yelled as he walked out of the bedroom

"Umm okay well I'm making oatmeal for myself with some banana and peanut butter would you like some to?" You asked Matt as you poured your orange juice into the cup you had sitting on the marble counter.

"No I'm gonna make some Chocolate Chip pancakes for myself " Matt smiles as he swung around the counter putting his arms around you giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"Love You" he smiled at you while he went to grab the pancake box from the cupboard.

Taking a sip of your glass or orange juice you stood there watching Matt Measure his pancake batter and throwing a shit ton of chocolate chips into his pancake batter.

"Don't Get To Crazy there Matt" you laughed

"I won't" Matt Said back to you chuckling

Matt started to stir his pancake batter while you went to the cupboard to grab a baking pan for him shuffling around the cupboard you finally found it pulled it out

"Here's a pan I'll turn on the stove for you and spray the pan"

"Thank You" Matt smiled as he licked the spoon clean

"Matt! Don't Put the spoon back in the bowl after you lick it" you rolled your eyes

"It's just us it's not like I'm gonna give the pancakes to someone else" He Replied Back

"I know but it's gross silly maybe I want some" You said grabbing the spoon out of his hand "Here Matt I'll give you a different spoon okay" he took the spoon out of your hand and continued to stir it and getting ready to put the pancake batter in the pan. "Well I'm Gonna Go Get dressed alright Matt so I'll be back in a few and watch those pancakes" you walked out of the kitchen into the bedroom and put on a Black Tank Top with Some Jean Shorts And fluffy socks you decided not to wear a bra cause hey free the nipple.

After getting dressed you walked into the bathroom washing your face and brushing your hair back into two space buns on each side of your head. "Looks Great" you Said to yourself.

You felt a surge of heat coming through your bedroom as you walked out

"Matt what the hell is that smell" you looked around and didn't see him anywhere in the kitchen "Matt!" you yelled again "Something is burning" yelling again "Matt Get the fuck out here damn" as you walked over to the stove you saw the pancakes Dark brown and burnt and there was smoke everywhere "Shit" you ran over to the Towel rack and grabbed a towel to wave the smoke away from the pancakes

"Fuck!" Matt yelled as he walked back into the kitchen

"You idiot what were you doing you could of burned the house down" you were mad at him. "I'm so sorry I just went to take out the trash and i didn't think that the pancakes would burn it was only a minute away" Matt Said freaking out "Well The pan is on fucking fire you idiot" you snapped at him taking the pan and seeing the burnt pancakes you grabbed out the trash can and threw them in as Matt stood there crossing his arms.

"Well I guess your breakfast is ruined now how about you have some of my damn oatmeal you idiot" you hit his arm in a playful way "Sure why not since I fucking ruined the chocolate pancakes it was pretty huge though" he laughed as he grabbed the rest of the pancakes batter to put on the pan

"Oh No I Don't think so" as you grabbed his wrist

"What?" Matt Said

"You could of just burned down the house no more pancakes for you I'll use the waffle maker instead alright that way you can't burn shit down" you told him as you put the pan into the sink.

There were burnt black shards all over the pan and under the microwave was dark and looked gross from the mini fire he had caused from the pancakes.

"And again I'm so sorry about the pancakes" Matt apologized

"I know your sorry but we're making waffles instead alright" you smirked at him.

You went over to get the waffle maker and plugged it into the wall "Now how about you sit down and watch me make them alright" turning around and waiting for the Waffle Maker to heat up.

"Well the view is so much better over here look at you" Matt Said flirting with you

"I know it I probably need that sexy apron you bought me for Christmas last year I still haven't worn it" You said turning around leaning on the marble counter showing him your cleavage "Well maybe if you find it I'll wear it for tomorrow's breakfast Matt" you said I'm sexy voice as you turned back around to pour the rest of the pancake batter in the waffle mixer and then closed it. As you were waiting for the waffles to be done you grabbed the Vegan Butter out of the fridge and the syrup from the cupboard and put it on the counter for Matt "Here you go here's the butter and syrup" you smiled "Well Thank You sexy" Matt Said while his hand rubbed your arm.

2 Minutes Later
The waffle maker beeped and it was ready to take out you lifted it up while you grabbed your fork putting it onto the plate.
"Breakfast Is served also here's some orange juice now eat your food" you demanded "Okay then thanks babe" Matt smiled "Looks Great Can't Wait To Eat it And you Later for dessert" he smirked at you "Yeah you'll be definitely getting dessert tonight" you rolled your eyes "After trying to burn down the house not sure about that offer" you laughed at him while Matt ate his chocolate chip waffles "Well now that is taken care of I'm gonna go to the store alright" you told Matt "Okay get me some Whip Cream And Some Strawberries To please" Matt asked "Okay I will I'll see you in about an hour Okay" you waved as you got your shoes on opened the door and Walked out "Bye Matt See You Soon" you let out a big sigh of relief that was a fucking disaster of a morning thank god you were gonna get to breathe after shopping for awhile you beeped the car got in checked the mirror and headed to the store.

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