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You sheepishly smiled when you realized Matt had seen the whole thing. The entire crazy routine in which you danced like nobody was watching. Or so you thought.

Matt didn't say anything but only smiled ever so lightly and sat down in the couch leaving you to continue your hyper activity. Matt was willing to watch you too fond of you to want it to stop.

The catchy song suddenly changed to a slow one and you saw Matt visibly tense up. Matt knew you Way too well and had read your thoughts before you could even smirk when the idea popped up in your head.

"C'mon" You gave Matt the puppy eyes already moving closer to him.

"No" Matt only said, his cheeks a faint shade of pink.

"Please..." You took his hand in yours fingers intertwined and gently tugged at them. "Dance with me"

Matt's piercing blue eyes settled on you observing you lovingly. Matt sighed and stood up allowing you to drag him off of the chair to the middle of the living room.

"I don't dance..." Matt muttered, locking eyes with you.

"That's fine, this is more like swaying" To make sure he was okay with it you paused as you observed his expression.

"Alright" Matt gave you a firm head nod which was all that you needed.

Your arms wrapped around Matts neck, prompting his hands to timidly rest on your waist. You rested your forehead against his shoulder closing your eyes.

As the two of you began swaying to the music Matt had layed his head atop of yours as you both continued to dance together to the music.

Matt Damon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now