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Matt had been coming home late from work for the past two weeks. He was exhausted and all he wanted to do was take a relaxing bath with you while getting wine drunk. Matt had expected you to be sitting on the couch petting your dog–Cinnamon waiting up for him. But when he stepped out of the elevator he was met by the blaring of the fire alarms coming from your shared apartment.

Panic bubbled inside of him Matt as he rushed to open up your door only to find you on top of the kitchen counter fanning the fire alarm with a kitchen towel. Cinnamon is on the foot of the counter barking at you. To say the least it was complete udder chaos.

"What the hell is happening?" Matt yelled setting down his gym bag by the door and shutting it. Matt rushing over through your living room sliding open the patio door.

"I was cooking but then my mom called me...and you know how much she can talk that I forgot I was cooking," You said sitting down on top of the kitchen counter once the fire alarm had shut off.

"How can you be so careless," Matt exclaimed raising his voice slightly as he ran his fingers through his hair pacing all around in the living room.

"Are you mad?" You said getting down from the counter once the alarms stopped and picked up Cinnamon who was now barking at Matt for yelling. You cradled him in your arms trying to shush him as if he were baby.

"You almost burned down the kitchen, how can I not be mad?" Matt exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air in despair. Cinnamon whimpered slightly crushing your heart.

"Stop yelling at me." You said firmly running your hands through his fur. "I just wanted to do something nice for you for once." You said in a matter of fact walking past him and sitting down on the couch. Cinnamon climbed down from your lap and laid down next to you.

"Coming home to you and Cinnamon is enough you don't have to go out of your way to do things you aren't used too."Matt walked behind the couch putting his hands on your shoulders massaging them carefully. You felt yourself relax underneath his touch. The fear you had just felt moments ago subsiding as you focused your attention on his hands.

"But you do so much I just wanted to cook for you for a change." You looked up at him pouting making him smile. Matt leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"We both know that you're not the best when it comes to the kitchen." Matt clearly pointed out sitting down next to you wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "And that's alright because I don't mind being your housewife." Matt laughed.

You huffed in annoyance hitting your thighs gently with the palm of your hands. "Sometimes I feel useless though." You starred up at him Matt grinned setting one of his hands on your head.

"You're not useless...but if you feel that way I'll just teach you a simple dish. Though you need to promise me that you won't cook if I'm not home." Matt stood up giving his hand for you to take.

"What if I want to surprise you though?" You took his hand as he gave you the look you dreaded dreaded. "Fine, I promise." You groaned feeling him pull you up.

"What are we waiting for then let's get to cooking good looking." Matt tapped your ass lightly before making his way into the kitchen. You rolled your eyes playfully shaking your head. You were definitely in for the longest night of your life.

Matt Damon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now