By The Christmas Tree

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You hadn't lied when you said that Matt looked good. He looked better than good, sinfully good... Sexy didn't begin to cover it. And you wanted him Matt sensing your feelings winked before dipping into the kitchen. You gave him a minute before you followed taking a few empty plates and cups with you.

Matt didn't hear you walking into the kitchen very quietly but he felt you as you wrapped your arms around his waist very snug.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You whispered into his back.

"Me? Honey have you seen the way you're looking at me?" Matt Replied

"Oh, if anything I'm definitely taking a cue from you," You giggled Matt turning in your arms.

"Mm you're the one dressed looking  like that," Matt smirked admiring your cleavage.

"Hmm and you're the one checking me out in plain sight," You scolded.

"You're gorgeous, and I want you," Matt then dipped his head to place kiss after kiss on your neck pulling your hips against his grinding into you softly.

"Matt  we have guests," You Told Jim while suppressing every moan he was attempting to get out of you.

"They'll be gone soon and I want you to be ready," Matt bit the side  of your earlobe before lightly spanking you on your ass and walking out of the kitchen. You bit on your lip really hard and very annoyed that he'd started the game without telling you and very curious how he was going to hide his arousal from your guests and knowing full well he had the restraint not to do anything at all.

The drinks dwindled as did your guests. Kisses were placed on foreheads of tired tots as they were carried out wishes of a happy Christmas were shared between everyone and the pleasant well spent of an evening covered everyone snugger than their winter coats.

As soon as the last guest left Ben naturally Matt  was taking your hand in his guiding you towards the Christmas tree.

The white lights bounced off the gold and white ornaments catching and splaying out across the tattered living room. The secret Santa remained ribbons in piles wrapping paper stacked and sprawled out everywhere  Nat King Cole's music filled the background of the house and as The Christmas Song blended into a new Christmas song you felt Matt's  hands moving lower and lower on your backside.

"Merry Christmas, darling," Matt Said as bis eyes framed by his ever growing smile.

"Merry Christmas Matt ," You replied. Standing on your tiptoes You pressed your lips to his moving slowly as he began to dominate you. Matt's Hands were definitely no longer gentle as he unzipped your dress taking it off your shoulders and letting it fall onto the floor. Carefully stepping out of it you moved to take his sweater off his broad shoulders. Matt's shoulders that had no problem holding you open legs propped on either side. Maybe tonight he'd eat you out by the light of the tree. Or use the ribbon to tie your hands back or maybe you'd treat him very well this Christmas evening.

Slipping your tights down Matt got down on his knees and open mouthed kisses hot and wet against your stomach You tried to suppress a giggle but it was impossible Matt knew you were ticklish.

"I love that sound," Matt said as his eyes looking up at yours. Your face made a pout and squinted eyes at his compliment. Matt  laughed heartily at your face shaking his head at how silly you were. 

"I love that sound," You responded, proud that you'd made him laugh.

"I love you so much " Matt said Witt a big fat smile still on his cute Face.

I love you to " You returned his smile, unable to hide any amount of joy from him.

Matt pulled your thong down followed by his tie and his shirt and slowly his pants. You'd never made love by the light of the Christmas tree pine swirling with scents of arousal an old R&B track bopping in the background the ornaments shaking with each thrust of Matt's  hips.

As your Christmas highs mixed with your moans of pleasure you were grateful Matt was always down to be your Christmas Fuck. Matt Had you With your back on the floor as his cock thrusted deep inside of you hard as the Christmas tree shook  every time he fucked You hard "Please Don't Stop babe" you moaned as his hands grabbed your wrist he looked into your eyes as you took the hard thrust of his cock deep inside of you "This is perfect watching your pretty face as you moan next to the Christmas Tree" Matt said as he clutched you and spun you over almost hitting the tree bending you over down on all fours "Fuck Matt Harder" his deep thrusts you took well as the pine was falling on both of you. Had no care in the world as Matt Gave You a hard thrust as he cum inside of you "Fuck yes" you yelled "You grabbed  his neck from behind you as your bodies were touching skin to skin as Matt said "Your ass is gonna smell like pine all night you little slut" he laughed as he filled you up "Yeah I Know so are you" You let him slide out as you sucked away all his cum and slapped his cock with your hand "Damn Babe" Matt moaned "This isn't going to be the last " you smirked as you head up to go tot the shower "Well I guess that means  round 2 then" Matt looked at your ass from behind as he watched you go into the shower and followed you in right behind.

It already was the best fucking Christmas ever

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