The Contest

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"Matt don't you have any movies?" You grumbled as Ben slumped on the Sofa. Matt emerged from his large kitchen and shrugged passing Ben a beer as he hopped over the back of the sofa.
"Get Sarah or Jess to take you to the store." Matt muttered as he ran a hand through his hair and pulled a wad of cash from his jacket pocket.

"Get more beer and food." Ben called as he flipped on the TV, letting his head follow you but his eyes never left the screen.
"K, Be back in a bit." You called as Jess politely led you out of the house.

"You know I can smell you right." Ben said suddenly Matt snorted "No way your sleeping with her before I do."

"Yeah because you have so much more to offer" Matt snarked back at him with a wide grin.

"Fifty bucks says I can turn her on better than you can." Ben retorted before downing the last of his beer. Matt hummed and ran his bottom lip through his teeth as he mulled over Ben's proposal.
"Deal." He shook Ben's hand.

When you returned you paused nervously on your way to the kitchen, both boys watching you with a hungry expression.

The hum of the microwave was almost hypnotic you'd missed Matt calling to you until he'd slid his arms around your waist and begun slowly kissing down your neck.

"Matt what're you doing?" You asked suspiciously. Matt was a possessive friend and you'd gotten used to his arm tightly wrapped around your waist or him squishing you between him and Ben whenever someone got a little too close for his liking.

He'd never gone this far before but before he answered the microwave dinged so he left you to pour the piping hot popcorn into a bowl. You skipped through to the living room and took your position between the boys.

You took no notice of Ben's arm slowly slinking around your shoulder his hand trailing across your shoulder so gently you almost didn't feel it Matt's hand did the same on your knee and slowly snaked up your thigh.

"Um... guys!" You squeaked when Ben bit gently on your jawline while Roman softly ran his lips across your neck until he reached the sweet spot behind your ear and sucked harshly.

"Mmh." Matt hummed. Ben pulled away from you momentarily and grinned at Matt who copied him and saw your face was flush and your pupils were huge with lust.

"I won!" Ben declared happily as he threw his hands up and grabbed a mouthful of popcorn.

"No I did... Technically we both did but I can think of another bet we can make." Matt muttered fixing you with a dark look.

"What are you two talking about?" You grumbled as you paused the film.

"We made a deal or rather, a bet, as to who could turn you on but it seems that we both won." Ben's voice was cracked with lust when he looked at you your embarrassed blush only adding to the fiery look in his eyes.

"A hundred says I can make her cum before you can." Matt growled as his hands slipped around your waist.
"You got it Damon." Ben snapped quickly. "You want in?" He asked you with a smile. You went to nod but Matt's mouth had reattached itself to your neck as he began nipping at the skin slowly.

"Um... sure." You whimpered. In the next instant Ben's lips were crushed to your lips and your head began to spin everywhere as both your friends practically devoured what bare skin they could reach. They weren't shy at all.

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