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It was absolutely endearing to Matt how shy you were. Face burning and buried into his chest whenever he teased you. Squeaks at the slightest touch he even gave you.

Which was why he was so surprised by the sight when he peered into the ajar doorway. Laying on the bed was you pleasuring yourself with your hand between your legs. Face flushed eyes shut tight chest heaving with each labored breath. You had one hand covering your mouth to muffle your small moans of his name.

Matt's  lips curled into a smirk and he licked his lips. How cute It was certainly a welcoming sight.

Matt Had gently opened the door. You were so caught up in bliss you didn't even notice the bedroom door had opened. Matt placed his hand on your thigh.

Your reaction was equally as adorable. You froze and your eyes shot wide open looking like a deer in headlights. You quickly snatched your hand out and heat rose to your cheeks.

You squeaked out. "I'm sorry" Your face was cherry red at this point and you turned your head sideways to avoid his gaze.

"I didn't say I didn't like it." Matt laughed softly at you and got onto the bed hovering over you. He tilted your head to face him. "If you wanted to feel good you really only needed to ask" Matt mumbled. His fingers hooked into your shorts and he looked up at you. "May I?"

You nodded rapidly and bit your lip. "Yes please." You wanted all of it. All of Matt You craved it so fucking badly you needed some relief you needed it now.

Matt swiftly pulled down your shorts and underwear simultaneously throwing them aside before spreading your legs with ease. You squirmed feeling his lips and hot breaths running along your thigh. You panted beneath him watching his Beautiful eyes glaze over with lust. Matt slowly moved his fingers drumming them against your swollen clit. You gasped out gripping the bed sheets at the sensation. You panted as Matt rolled your clit between his fingers.

Matt licked down your Clit Making you gasp out. "You're so wet" he mumbled.

Wasting no time Matt ran his tongue against you. Whines escaped your throat as your back arched from the pleasure. Matt slithered his tongue inside of you then swirled it around your sensitive clit  making you pant and whine incessantly. You weakly tugged on his hair  as his mouth drove you insane.

A soft groan fell from his lips and he thrust a finger into you working you from the inside as he sucked your clit. Matt slid another finger in and your body writhed from the pleasure. You were rapidly growing closer and closer to release as Matt mouth and fingers pulled you closer and closer to the edge.

A choked sob left your lips. "I-I'm gonna fucking cum." A last few harsh Long and quick licks to your clit pushed you over the edge. Moans of his name spilled out as your body convulsed. Your thighs twitched with aftershocks as he milked you thoroughly lapping at your juices and sucking every last drop into his mouth.

You hadn't even realized your eyes were shut tightly until opening them again. Your face flushed upon seeing Matt licking his lips dribbling with your cum. Matt's. darkened eyes burned into yours hungrily chuckling at your flustered state as he unbuckled his pants.

"Forgive me for being selfish but I need you to help me now."

Matt Damon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now