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Matt's chest was heaving with anger as he shouted. He didn't even hear what you started shouting about. He was too angry. Matt knew he needed to calm down or he'd loose his temper. Matt didn't really want to do that with you.

"I've had enough of it Matt!" You finished shouting and crossed your arms. With a huff you sat on one of the arm chairs and and glared at Matt. Matt also had his arms crossed not wanting to give any leeway and let you win the argument that had gone on most of the morning and all afternoon. Matt was starting to get irritated and He didn't even remember what you've been arguing about.

"Maybe you should calm down." Matt suggested.

"I should calm down! This is your fault!" You snapped back. Matt rolled his eyes and ran his bottom lip through his teeth as he glanced at you. There was a chance that you also had forgotten the reason for the argument. If you had then he could win and diffuse the situation. If you hadn't you'd win the argument.

"Do you even remember what we're arguing about?" Matt asked quickly. You didn't reply and he smirked, you'd both forgotten.

"Do you?" You asked and Matt Just shrugged.

"Why don't we just forget about it and..."

"That seems sensible, considering we've been arguing all day."

"Ok, if we remember what we argued about we'll talk about it."

Matt rolled his eyes as he spoke and you both shared a look. Either you were about to start arguing or something else was about to snap. Tensions sizzled in the air until it you and Matt lurched forward towards each other.

You kissed as Matt moved towards the stairs but took a sharp turn as he lifted you up. The sofa was closer you gathered by the way he flopped you down on it.

"This doesn't mean I'm forgiving you." You said between kisses as you ran your fingers through his hair. Matt Laughed and pulled off his shirt breaking the kiss between both of you long enough for him to do so.

"You always forgive me." You growled at Matt's words and playfully tugged at his hair making him let out a whimpered moan.

"Make me Damon."You said back as Matt had kissed you back.

Matt Damon ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now