Bad Game

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"Oh my god, this was such a bad idea."

"Shut up!" Matt hissed from beside you giving an aggressive Tug on the blanket that left you with only your pajamas for warmth. It didn't matter that the Room wasn't that cold you just didn't want Matt hogging the entire blanket so you grabbed the blanket and tugged it back coming up to push him away. It worked and he flinched as you snuggled back under.

"I can't believe we're stuck here" you said "I can't believe I'm stuck here with you."

Matt Really liked to play pranks for no reason he also liked to tease you when you got the answers wrong in Trivia Games. All that should be enough of a reason to make you want to run out the room quickly and get as far away from him as possible.

"Please be quiet," you felt Matt shift from behind the wall of pillows the two of you had mutually decided on. "It's your fault we got stuck in here in the first place. Have you really not memorized any of the trivia answers on the cards at all?" you snapped at him in a jokingly way 

"You're the one who was sneaking out after the curfew!" Matt Said Back To You

"You followed me don't act like this isn't your fault. I would've managed this fine on my own."

"Oh really" You Turned To Him to face him, "then why the hell are we losing because you answered majority of the trivia answers wrong, genius?" you said to matt

Matt went quiet after that and to you Matt Then turned a really bright shade of red in the darkness. "Don't Get Mad " you laughed as Matt snapped back "Oh Whatever " He Rolled His Eyes. Matt Really Wasn't That Good At Trivia Since He Always Made Us Lose Even Though you knew some answers you and matt were both bad at trivia anyways.

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