Be Quiet

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Everything about Your boyfriend Matt was soft on the outside. His Beautiful skin and his hair and his eyes and his voice and his smile. Especially his hands when he would guide you by the waist or pull you in for a brisk and cold kiss on winter nights.

              From the outside no one would know just what he could pull off with just those soft hands. You still remember the first time you learned of it the way his delicate and shining eyes darkened the moment he got you behind closed door for the first time. How excited Matt was to just use you in the softest way ever known to man.

              It hurt and it felt fucking amazing and he always pampered you after the fact and cleaned your teared up cheeks with the same fingers that were holding your tongue down just so he could spit down your throat. Matt knew you loved it he knew you always wanted his fingers inside of you and you'd be happy if they were hurting you.

              Even now as Matt leaves so many bruises along your hips, gripping them so tightly so that he can angle himself so that you can plow himself impossibly deeper into you. All you can think about is that grip on your hips moving up to your mouth his thick fingers pressing into your mouth with absolutely no hesitation from you or him.

"Be—" Matt breathes out in a small grunt trying not to make too much noise. "Quiet." Matt says with another harsh thrust causing you to muffle out a small whine against his fingers.

              You knew not to bite although sometimes Matt liked it when you did and you also liked the way the bite marks would stay on his skin for a few minutes after the fact.

"Be quiet." Matt says again as his delicate voice coming out in a raspy gasp you know Matt is very close.

              You almost want to turn around to look at him so you can tell him to be quiet. The only reason you guys would get caught like this is because he's the one moaning out and aggressively fucking into you with a loud slapping sounds.

              Matt presses his fingers further and further into your mouth to draw a few tears from you just so he could pull his fingers out, grab you by the hair, and pull your head back so he can watch you cry for him as he cums.

              And when Matt pulls out of you his own legs wobbling, he doesn't wipe your tears just yet because yeah, sometimes he gets to cum first. It's finally your turn now.

"Lay back baby." Matt says gently as he pulls you by the shoulders to lean you against his back. "I know how much you like my fingers they're still wet from your mouth—" Matt says with a smile as he trails a hand down to rub circles at your clit.

              Matt stays like that for a while one hand on your clit and the other in your mouth as you suckle against it with small moans of pleasure in the way he's being gentle with you again.

              Matt doesn't even slip them inside but to be fair your hole is already abused from the various angles he had aggressively fucked you in just moments before you're kind of thankful for the laziness he's offering you.

              And when you do finally cum that's when he pulls his fingers out of your mouth and very quickly thrusts two fingers into you as deep as the angle he's in will allow.

              Matt had always loved the way you came on his fingers he thinks you do too.

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