3 Ways

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You were perched on the edge of Matt's huge bed Your pyjama shorts leaving enough of your legs bare to appreciate the expensive sheets underneath you.
"Pick a movie." Matt grunted as he headed into the bathroom and chuckled you the remote.
You were flicking through tv channels when Ben arrived making your eyes widen when your friend stripped down to his boxers and slid in opposite Matt's side of the bed. Matt  emerged wearing joggers and sunk into his bed moving you until he was very comfortable grabbing the controller and changing the channel.

"This movie sucks." Ben Said  as his hand landed heavily in your lap. You were lent against Matt's chest while your legs were all over Ben's the  three of you taking up the entirety of Matt's bed.
You'd been slowly falling asleep when warm fingertips played with the hem of your shorts, your eyes snapped open and you looked over to Ben whose eyes were on his hand as he continued to tease your thighs with gentle squeezes and glanced up at you with a wide Wolfe grin.
Matt noticed you fidgeting and glanced over at the two of you pushing the thin straps of you top down until it fell down and tugged you down across his lap kissing down to your chest.

"Shit Matt I was just going to play with her a bit!" Ben laughed as Matt's tongue trails around a hardening nipple.
He smirked at Ben when you whimpered and wriggled due to both boys teasing your body but neither actually touching where you wanted them. Matt pulled away and watched your face as Ben slowly circled your clit before dragging his fingers through your lipa and slide two fingers deep  inside you.
Matt swallowed and began kissing you desperately when your moans began pouring from your lips, one hand tangled into your hair and the other hand massaging your breasts making you whimper between moans.

"One of us should fuck her." Ben said when he felt your walls beginning to clench around his fingers inside of you.
"Who'd you want princess?" Matt asked you as he ran his nose up your neck.
"Um... I don't know ." You couldn't finish your sentence moaning louder as Ben making you orgasm for him. Ben had spread your legs and glanced at Matt who ran a long finger through your lipa and sucked them clean before Ben  lifted your hips and buried his face between your thighs.
"How about both of us?" Matt Said while pressing sharp kisses to your throat. You'd slept with both Matt and Ben  before but never in the same room the idea had your body tingling and wanting more.

"Yes please." You gasped as you tried to concentrate on him.
The next thing you knew you were being flipped over as Ben kissed your thighs and rubbed his cock through your wet pussy . Matt gently tugged your hair so he could look at your face as Ben side into you, your moans became louder coming from your throat as Ben pushed his thick cock deep  inside you before pulling out and ramming back in harder
"God you are so fucking tight... such a good girl for taking me all inside of you." Ben grunted as he found a steady pace and soon had your eyes rolling into the back of your head.

Matt licked his lips and pumped his Cock as he watched Ben Fuck you so roughly. When you kissed the top of his cock he groaned but pulled you away as he continued to pump up and down.
Almost as soon as Ben had come Matt was jealously tugging you into his lap so you could ride his cock. He watched you slide his cock up and down in and out of your body his hands on your hips helping you keep a steady pace and yours on his shoulders.
Ben lay on his back as he watched you ride Matt resisting the urge to join in as your eyes began to roll back Matt's touch was gentle like he was trying to make up for what Ben had left on you.

You whimpered, both Ben and Matt knowing that you were so close. They both laughed  when you found it impossible to continue and Matt began thrusting up into you both of you panting and moaning Ben smiled when he caught your eye and sat up kissing your breast and lapping his tongue against your nipple as his hand played with the other.
A few rolls of his your clit between Matt's fingers had you coming hard and Matt followed quickly. You flopped down onto Matt's chest while Ben kissed your back, gently massaging as he went.
"I think I like sleepovers." You mumbled and both boys burst into laughter.
"I figured" He Replied Back

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