Smell Christmas Candles

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"Why are we here again?" Matt whines as you practically drag him into the entrance of the bath and body works. No, this is not the most stress free environment to be right now the bright colors and smells easily overwhelming someone's senses but today you're on a mission.

"Because it's the holiday season and darling your parents are coming to visit our new place for the first time and I want to be a good host," you tell him squeezing Matt's hand as you both walk over to the candle section.

"Okay but please promise we won't stay here for hours?" As Matt tugs at your hand. You pause turning around to him. You raise your free hand extending your pinky.

"Promise" you wink as he links his pinky with yours. "I'll even let you pick the first one to smell test."

"Oh, how kind of you" Matt jabs crinkling his nose as a teasing smile appears on his face.

"Love you" you said turning back to head towards the candles.

It's been maybe twenty minutes since you walked in. Matt is still whining incessantly while you ask him questions. You pull another candle from the shelf. Opening the lid you take a deep inhale. You hold it out to Matt and he does the same.

"I dunno I'm not getting the vanilla undertones in this, what about you?"

"Babe this smells like only vanilla, what?" Matt Then looks at you sheer confusion painting his face.

"Well okay how about this" you tell him trying to find a compromise so you don't actually spend hours here. "Which one do you think will warm the house?" You pick up two candles. "The sugar cookie one or the fresh pine one?"

"W-warm the house? Babe it's fire?"Matt jabs again.

"No but like what's a warmer smell one that wraps you up in christmas time and fireplaces and things" you explain.

"OH oh, okay I get it Well in that case the cookie one but if you want a more down right christmas smell then the pine one" Matt explains. You have to prevent the smile from spreading too wide on your face. You feel victorious finally getting a response out of Matt signaling he's fully joined you in your candle picking endeavors.

Matt will admit it well not to anyone but you or his parents but you've got him. It's not that he has fully joined you in your careful crafting of holiday candle scents but he finds it kind of endearing that you're going to such lengths over a dinner with his parents. And who is Matt to complain when he does the same thing he dragged you to choose a new cooking knife a week ago. No you didn't know which shape and handle were for what but Matt was very happy to have you there as a sounding board. So really he can't be all that mad over smelling about 20 candles in an hour.

"Hmm I like the pine but it might be too much. You know how strong it can be" you tell him. No he really doesn't know but nods along anyway. "I like the sweet of the cookie one and I like the savory of the pine" you huff brow furrowed as you debate the two candles in your hands.

You and Matt have been a little oblivious to the fact that some of the employees have been eavesdropping. Honestly working the holiday season is exhausting so they'll take their entertainment where they can get it especially when it's something particularly adorable like a young couple debating over candle scents.

"Excuse me you two" a voice rings out from behind you. You and Matt both turn around to see a young woman wearing the signature bath and body works apron a christmas themed name tag on the top. "Just letting you know that if you get one 3 wick seasonal candle you get another one for free! Happy holidays!" She finishes in a bright customer service voice before walking away.

You and Matt turn to each other and you both immediately erupt laughing. It's really not that funny but that doesn't stop you two from being down for the count laughing for a good few minutes.

"We debated for so long for nothing" Matt laughs.

"Not nothing" you try to defend. "Okay well maybe but now we have our answer Let's get them Matt" you smiled back at Matt. Matt slips his hand around your waist as you both walk towards the register. He gives your waist a little squeeze making you jump just a little. You scrunch your nose up at him playfully before leaning up to place a chaste kiss to his cheek.

"Thanks for coming with me" you smile.

"You're welcome" he smiles back. "This was revenge for the knife debate wasn't it?"

" No " you exaggerate "how could you ever think that?"

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