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Moonbyul and Hyejin arrived at the medical center in record time. The receptionist immediately recognized Moonbyul as her father is the one who built the facility. He built it to help humans and vampires. Vampires were treated on the upper floor in a V.I.P wing of the facility.
"Ah Miss.Moon what brings you in today. Your father isn't here currently but I can leave a message with his assistant for you." She politely greeted the pair.
"I'm actually not here for him. Could you tell me if two women have been brought in yet. Their names are Kim Yongsun and Jung Wheein. They will be on the V.I.P wing." Moonbyul asked out of breath.
"Yes they arrived about 15 minutes ago. Miss. Kim and Miss. Jung are both in 707. There's a note here though. Miss. Moon and Miss.Ahn please report to Dr. Choi before proceeding to their room." The receptionist looked over the patient directory info. Both women thanked her before entering the elevators to the 7th floor. As they stepped off the elevator they were greeted by a tall doctor in a white coat.
"Miss. Moon, the girls are not out of the woods. Can you explain what happened. We have never seen such a severe change happen. If we can find the vampire who bit them we might be able to ease the process." Dr. Choi told them.
"There was an attack against my family. My father was murdered and we were taken to another facility. They knew I have never drank human blood. They used it against me. I was the one who bit the girls. What do I have to do. I'll do anything. Please" Moonbyul pleaded with Dr. Choi. The doctor proceeded to tell Moonbyul and Hyejin his plan to save both women.

Moonbyul and Hyejin entered the girls room and broke down at the sight before them. Wheein was in better shape and only had an IV hooked up to her. Yongsun had wires coming from all parts of her body with an oxygen mask on her face. Moonbyul and Hyejin rushed to their respective girlfriends. Wheein woke upon Hyejins touch. She weakly smiled at Hyejin who broke into tears. "Hey beautiful, doctors are going to help you through this. I'm not leaving your side." Hyejin ran her hand through Wheeins hair before placing a kiss on her forehead. Wheein smiled again before nodding and closing her eyes drifting off to sleep.
On the other side of the room Moonbyul sat with her hands hold Yongsun's. Yongsun remained unresponsive to any sort of communication. Just then Doctor Choi entered the room. "Miss. Moon, we can begin now. We need you to give your blood to them through a blood transfusion." Moonbyul nodded and walked to Wheein. She sat down in a chair beside the unconscious girl and allowed a nurse to put a needle into her arm. All three watched intently before Wheein began to cough and shake after a few moments she began to calm down and her eyes fluttered open.

"Ouch" Wheein managed to whisper. Hyejin practically jumped on her before realizing they were still in the hospital. Everyone in the room laughed including Wheein. "Ms. Jung it seems your friends here have saved you. Now a lot will be happening to you over the next few days. We have a team that will explain and help you through it all. The worst is over and you can begin healing." Dr. Choi said gently to the young girl.

He then walked with Moonbyul over to Yongsun's bed. Moonbyul was doing her best to remain strong but seeing her lover look so weak was taking its toll. "This will be the same as before and hopefully she will recover like Miss. Jung did." Moonbyul nodded before allowing the nurse to once again put a needle into her arm. Minutes passed and Yongsun was not responding. "Please Yong wake up. I need you to be okay." Moonbyul cried.Suddenly Yongsun's monitor went erratic. Her heartbeat was at a record high. Her body began seizing and dr. Choi ordered a crash cart into the room. Both Moonbyul and Hyejin were ushered out into the hall while the doctors and nurses rushed to save Yongsun.

Twenty minutes had passed before Dr. Choi emerged from the hospital room. "She's stable now. She woke up once but lost consciousness again. It seems the extra amount of blood helped but this is an unusual case. I've only heard of one other case like it. The only way to save her is for her to bite you directly now Miss. Moon. Like I said this is unusual. Your father was the only other case. He was bitten by the original vampire himself and it required your father to drink the blood directly from him. Please keep in mind if this works and she responds she may have no control over herself and will be hard to stop."

Moonbyul stood and went into the room standing next to Yongsun's bed. "I don't care what happens to me. She needs to be okay that's all that matters." Moonbyul then proceeded to bite into her own wrist and held it to Yongsun's mouth. At first there was not response but then Yongsun's eyes went wide and she gripped onto Moonbyul's wrist with a strength Moonbyul has never seen from the woman. Three doctors immediately went to restrain Yongsun but Moonbyul held them off. "No one touch her!" She yelled. "Yong? it's me Byul. It's okay your safe with me now. I love you." Moonbyul's voice began to fade as Yongsun drank from her wrist. Upon hearing I love you, Yongsun's eyes softened and her grip lightened. She retracted herself from Moonbyul's wrist to look in her eyes. "Byul? I love you too. I'm so sorry please forgive me." Yongsun pleaded. "Nothing to be sorry about Yong. Your okay now that's all that matters." Moonbyul rested her head against Yongsun's. Both women smiling and tears coming down there face.

By now Wheein had become fully aware of what was going on. "Wow someone made the big bad vampire Byul a softy. Never thought I'd see that." Hyejin said to break the silence earning a slap across the arm from Wheein. "Ouch! That actually hurt. I think I prefer when you were human." Hyejin rubbed her arm while the three women and dr. Choi laughed.

"Like I told Miss. Jung we have a team here that will be assisting you both through the next few days. You both are vampires now. They will teach you how to drink and what to drink as well as resources for support." Dr. Choi smiled at them before leaving the room. "Byul, your father how is he? Is he okay?" Yongsun asked worriedly. "He died Yong. I'm the queen now." Moonbyul looked away avoiding tear in her eyes. "I'm so sorry Byul. If your Queen that means we can only be friends correct. I mean that's okay as long as I'm in your life." Yongsun now was the one trying to fight tears. "Actually, they want me to take someone as my partner. They suggested Lisa of the Manoban clan...but I refused. She's a good friend nothing more she's with Jennie. I chose you Yongsun as my partner if you'll have me." Moonbyul took a small locket out of her pocket showing Yongsun. "My father told me to give it to the person I love with all my heart. I want to give it to you Yong." Yongsun could only nod as Moonbyul placed the locket around her neck. "I love you Yongsun." Moonbyul whispered against her lips. "I love you too Byul." Yongsun replied.

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