Long Live the Queens

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It had been two months since Yongsun and Wheein were turned and the events of the ball still sat freshly in the minds of every vampire in attendance. Moonbyul now sat in a meeting while the rest of the royal court discussed if Moonbyul was fit to take the throne.

"Miss. Moon if you do not take the title of Queen soon we will have no choice but to relinquish you of your royal title and place someone more capable in the position." A  large burly man with a thick dark beard and dark eyes sat halfway down the table from Moonbyul spoke up. "No one will be doing anything. As soon as Miss. Kim and Miss. Jung are cleared from the hospital I will proceed to accept the title on one condition. Miss. Kim will be my wife and your other Queen."

Frantic chatter could be heard throughout the meeting room until Lisa of the Manoban clan stood up silencing everyone. "We will accept your condition Miss. Moon as long as you promise to uphold your fathers beliefs and let your kingdom continue to be a safe haven for vampires and humans alike. The human government is aware of what transpired that evening and is ready to intervene if you cannot uphold that promise." Lisa stood firm in her words with only a few mutters coming from some of the older vampires. "I promise to uphold my fathers beliefs and work with the human governments to keep humans and vampires safe." Moonbyul stood proudly and determined which quieted the whole room. Just then Hyejin entered the room and approached Moonbyul whispering in her ear. "The girls are home. They just arrived and Yongsun is looking for you." Moonbyul looked to Hyejin trying to hide the sudden happiness that swelled in her body. "I think we have discussed everything of importance so I will be concluding this meeting. Details on a throne ceremony will be released in the coming weeks. Thank you everyone for your time." Moonbyul bowed to the court and left swiftly with Hyejin.

To say the ride back to the mansion was long was an understatement. Both Moonbyul and Hyejin have decided to take human means of transportation until buzz of the events died down in the human world. Rumors spread quickly that monsters had been seen throughout Seoul and surrounding cities. Local governments were quick to debunk the rumors as rabid animals that had made their way too close to town and were the sources of the attacks. This seemed to calm the human population down but vampires were still cautious now more than ever of their actions. Thankfully the local butcher ran a few shops spread throughout South Korea and gladly partnered with Vampires to bring them fresh blood. A few animal hospitals that were owned by vampires also stepped up more than normal to help their community. It was evening by the time Moonbyul and Hyejin reached the mansion. The car had barely parked before Moonbyul sprinted into the home. Upon opening the doors she was met with the eyes and smile of the woman who so quickly captured her heart. Before Yongsun could get a word out, Moonbyul had picked her up in her arms and swung her around into a tight hug burying her face into the smaller girls neck. "I missed you Yong. It so good to see you again." Moonbyul placed a simple kiss on her girlfriends lips smiling into the kiss. "Wow Yong you really did break the spell on Moonbyul's cold heart. She hasn't been this loving in almost a hundred years..." "Don't you dare finish that sentence." Moonbyul warned. "Why was she so cold hearted?" Yongsun inquired curiously. "Her name was Krystal. The feelings were never returned but we stayed friends until she turned foresaken. My team was forced to take her and her group out  a long time ago. It's in the past and I've moved on." Moonbyul revealed before leaving the house to sit on the back patio. Yongsun followed close behind but motion for Hyejin and Wheein to stay behind.

"Hey, I'm sorry I pushed about her. I understand how hard that must've been. I promise though I'm not going anywhere. I love you Byul." Yongsun quietly said to the vampire who was now leaning over the railing overlooking the gardens. "I know and it's okay. I wanted to speak to you about something. The council is pushing for me to take the throne but in order to do so we must be married. If not then they will give the throne to another family." Moonbyul turned to look Yongsun in the eyes with sincerity in her voice. "Byul, I would love to marry you. When do we have to be wed?" "They gave us till the end of the month. I know it's not a lot of time but we can do it and you can invite your family. You know they will be safe with us." Yongsun jumped into Moonbyul's arms catching the vampire off guard. "No family. Just us. Tonight." Yongsun said against Moonbyul's smiling lips.

Moonbyul told Hyejin and the mansion staff the very sudden change in plans. The staff was quick to begin assembling what would be needed for the quick ceremony. Yongsun and Wheein were brought into town to a small bridal shop where they chose their gowns for the evening. Hyejin and MoonByul wore their dress uniforms since it was customary at any formal event. The entrance to the mansion was transformed into a beautiful ceremony area. Candles were lit on pedestals and red rose petals were delicately tossed on the floor leading to the grand staircase. A quick call was made to have a member of the Royal Court officiate the ceremony and he arrived within the hour. The girls arrived back to the mansion just in time for the ceremony to start.

MoonByul and Hyejin stood at the bottom of the staircase with mansion staff lined up on either side creating an aisle to walk down. Wheein was the first to enter from one of the upstairs rooms. She gracefully walked to the stairs and paused where she was met and escorted down the staircase by Namjoon The staff was in awe with how beautiful she looked. Hyejin smiled as she took Wheein's hand from Namjoon and led her to stand opposite of her and moonbyul at the alter. The officiant settled down everyone in attendance and their focus now turned back to the top of the stairs. A large oak door opened and everyone looked on in awe as Yongsun in her beautiful white wedding gown entered the room. Even Namjoon had to be nudged to regain his focus and walk her down the stairway. Wheein was quick to greet Yongsun and Namjoon. "If I may I'd like to walk walk my best friend to the alter." Wheein said kindly. Namjoon could only smile sweetly and nod as he placed Yongsuns hand into Wheeins and stepped back to stand with the other staff. Wheein and Yongsun walked to where both of their true loves waited. Yongsun smiled and gave a long hug to both  wheein and hyejin before turning to her love Moonbyul.

"Today we have been gathered to witness not one but two weddings" the officiant announced. Wheein looked to Hyejin in surprise. "I know this is sudden and last second but I want to spend my life with you if you'll let me Wheein?" Hyejin asked softly. Wheein could only cry and nod her head yes. "These two couples before us have shown that love can transcend and break barriers meant to separate us. They have shown strength and vulnerability, trust and commitment. They show us what true love really means. Now Hyejin do you take Wheein to be your wife. To have and to hold for the rest of your lives?" The officiant spoke with sincerity in his voice. "Yes, with all my heart and soul I do." Hyejin responded not taking her eyes off of Wheein. " Wheein do you take Hyejin to be your wife to have and to hold for the rest of your lives?" The officiant turned his attention to Wheein who was still emotional from the sudden proposal sobbed happily as she said I do. "Moonbyul do you take Yongsun as your wife to have and to hold to reign as your queen beside you and be your equal for the rest of your lives?" Moonbyul looked sincerely and with eyes full of love right at Yongsun as she spoke. "I do. I promise to cherish and love you with all of my being. To stand equally next to you as we rule as queens for the rest of our lives." "And finally Yongsun do you take Moonbyul as your wife to have and to hold to reign equally as your queen for the rest of your lives?" "I do with all my heart." Yongsun spoke through tears. " I now pronounce these couples married. You may now kiss your brides."  Each couple kissed their lovers gently with huge smiles on their faces. Both couples made their way back up the staircase and walked out onto the balcony where a bottle of champagne awaited them. Fireworks began to explode off in the distance as Yongsun and Wheein were wrapped happily in the arms of their true loves and soulmates.

The End.

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