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Moonbyul awoke in the early hours of the next morning. Still angered over Namjoon's confession; she took off into the woods surrounding the mansion. After what seemed like hours of running at a humans pace she finally slowed at a clearing near a small pond. Sitting on a large boulder she thought about a plan to keep her loved ones safe. "I thought I'd find you here." Moonbyul suddenly heard from behind her. "You always knew my favorite spot to come to think ever since we were kids." Moonbyul replied to the sudden intruder. Seulgi stepped closer to Moonbyul and sat on a low hanging branch on a nearby tree.
"Your father still hasn't figured it out and it's been over a hundred years. Heis probably worried about you. You should come home." Seulgi told her with her voice full of concern. "He's more concerned about his image among the vampire families. Go back to the mansion and call this man. His name is Namjoon. I need to speak with him concerning the ball next week." Moonbyul looked at her long time friend before glancing back out to the calm water. Seulgi nodded in understanding leaving Moonbyul to her thoughts.
  It was mid afternoon before Moonbyul returned to the mansion. Yongsun, Hyejin and Seulgi stood in the mansions kitchen discussing their concern of their friend. "Maybe we should convince the king to delay the ball or not hold it altogether. It's clear that Minhyuk is going to do something." Hyejin said. "The ball will go on as planned." A voice alerted the three women to Moonbyul standing in the doorway. "I want to see that bastard try to attack me. He will fail and when he does I'll be the one to take him out." Moonbyul leaned against the counter with determination in her eyes and voice. The women knew not to disagree but instead prepare themselves for what was to come.
Later in the evening
Moonbyul walked with Yongsun out to the back patio overlooking the gardens. A table with two chairs and a lit candle sat in the middle with lights stringed around the area. "I wanted to apologize for my actions and behavior towards you these past few days. I've been pushing you away." Moonbyul pulled a chair out to allow Yongsun to sit before sitting in the chair opposite her. "Thank you for apologizing. I know this is new to us both and I may not understand your world yet but that doesn't mean I don't want to." Yongsun grabbed Moonbyul's hand giving it a light squeeze looking into her brown eyes. "Honestly Yong, I'm scared to lose you. I know you may think vampires are supposed to be these cold hearted beings and that's what I've trained myself to be over the centuries but when I'm with you I feel almost human again. I will do everything in my power to protect you." As Moonbyul finished speaking Yongsun's eyes teared up. Woobin came out a few minutes later with two plates of food. Moonbyul wanted the evening to be special and asked Woobin to cook chicken parmesan with a side salad and red wine. "Thank you Woobin. You can head home for the night. I'll clean this up. Enjoy your evening." Moonbyul kindly said to the old man. "Thank you Miss Moon. Have a nice night ladies." He bowed before leaving the patio to head home.
The two lovers are their food with small talk and laughter exchanged throughout. After cleaning up their plates the women walked down the patio steps to a stone path that led to a small stone fire pit and outdoor couches. Moonbyul lit the fire and sat on the couch and Yongsun followed suit. Soon enough Yongsun and Moonbyul were laying watching the stars and enjoying the warmth of the fire. Byul noticed Yongsuns eyes fighting to stay open and opted to carry the tired girl to her bedroom and allow her to sleep. After closing the bedroom door Moonbyul made her way to her office where Seulgi and Namjoon awaited her.
"Before we begin I want to remind you that if you double cross me I will kill you is that understood?" Moonbyul sat at her desk her eyes glowing a soft red from the anger beginning to boil inside her. "Of course. I have no intentions of going against you. Like I told you I just want my sister safe. We were turned 70 years ago by one of his followers. They left us alone until about 5 years ago. There were whispers of a vampire uprising making its way through nomadic vampires. Minhyuk offered us protection in return for our service. I refused and he took my sister forcing me to serve him. He plans on killing your father and you as well as your loved ones. I was only told to get close to you and relay info to him. I'm sorry that's all I know." Namjoon lowered his head waiting for Moonbyul to lose her cool. Instead a soft hand rested upon his shoulder. Looking up he saw Moonbyul looking at him. "We will return your sister and if things go well we will grant you both protection as long as you both follow the vampire laws set by my father." "Moonbyul if I may. How can we trust him? For all we know he could be playing us! We should bring him to lock up and use him to get info." Seulgi stood from her seat not pleased with Moonbyul's kindness towards Namjoon. Moonbyul also rose to her feet asserting her authority over Seulgi. They may be friends but when it came to protecting her loved ones no one questioned her.
"He knows the consequences if he goes against me. Now we will continue with the security plan we discussed. Now that we know there will be an attempted attack we have the upper hand. I will stay close to Yongsun and Hyejin will be with Wheein. Seulgi I want you to stay with my father. Don't let him know about this we don't need a panic among the royal court. Namjoon stay with the plan that Minhyuk has for you. The royal guard will be informed of your involvement. If that is all your both dismissed. I will see you both at the ball." Moonbyul excused the pair of vampires before sitting back in her office chair. As much as she wanted to take out Minhyuk now she had to wait until he made his move. She made her way to the kitchen to grab a blood bottle. It had been a few days since she last drank and could feel the effects setting in.

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