My Protector

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Eclipse is already packed by the time Moonbyul arrives. Thankfully Hyejin offered to come in early to make sure the club opened smoothly. Moonbyul relieves Hyejin of her duties telling her to enjoy the rest of the night.

Hyejin immediately spots Wheein and Yongsun in the V.I.P section and greets them happily. "Hello ladies, how's your evening so far." Hyejin says as she kisses Wheein and gives Yongsun a hug. " We were just about to hit the dance floor actually care to join us?" Wheein asks wrapping her arms around Hyejin giving her a puppy dog pout. "Is Moonbyul here yet? She texted asking for me to be here but I haven't seen her yet." Yongsun says concerned she missed seeing the beautiful woman. "No worries shes down at the bar restocking the shelves. She said she'd be over as soon as she was done. She misses you." Hyejin puts her hand on Yongsuns shoulder reassuring the nervous woman.

The three women make their way to the dance floor enjoying the music the dj had playing until someone grabs Yongsuns waist insisting she dance with him. She declined multiple times but the man being drunk out of his mind ignores her refusals. He has now begun to grind against her trying to place kisses along her neck. Yongsun is helpless against his strong grip until she feels him being ripped away and thrown to the floor. " I believe she said no. When a woman says no she means it." Moonbyul is now standing protectively in front of Yongsun with Hyejin holding Wheein securely nearby watching the scene unfold. "She doesn't know what she's talking about she just needs a man like me to show her a good time. Plus who are you to tell me what to do." The drunk man slurs attempting to stand back up but Moonbyul is faster and has him pinned to the floor face down now with his arm twisted behind his back. "I'm the owner of this club and her girlfriend and if you don't leave now you will regret it." Her eyes have turned a red tint again this time darker than before at the mansion. Security has now made their way to Moonbyul's side taking the man by the arms tossing him out of the club. Moonbyul escorts Yongsun to her office to make sure she is not injured in any way.

"I'm fine Byul but I have to ask why did you tell him you were my girlfriend?" Yongsun asks towards Moonbyul who has now faced away from her not wanting Yongsun to see her eyes. "I'm sorry Yong it slipped I just didn't know what else to say. All I knew was that I needed to protect you." Yongsun approaches Moonbyul attempting to grab her hand but Moonbyul pulls away and creates distance between the two of them.

     "Please Yongsun for your own safety stay over there. I can't have you near me." Moonbyul warns her scared of what might happen if Yongsun sees her eyes. "I know your still upset about that jerk but please Byul don't push me away." Yongsun says softly this time successfully grabbing ahold of Moonbyuls hand. Moonbyul knows she must tell her the truth even if it means losing Yongsun for good. She slowly turns around lifting her head looking straight into Yongsuns eyes.

      Brown eyes meet red and they widen in shock. "Byul what's going on? What happened to your eyes?" She says now with worry and fear in her voice. "That's what I need to tell you Yong. The secret I've been keeping from you. I'm not a human. Well not anymore. I'm a vampire, Yongsun. Both Hyejin and I are." Yonsun falls onto the couch in shock, not sure how to process this news. Moonbyul crouches in front of her grabbing her hand and place a gentle hand on Yongsuns cheek. "I will never hurt you I promise Yongsun. It's against my families code and laws. We only drink animal blood. I..I didn't know how to tell you before. I wasn't expecting to fall for you so fast." Yongsun continues to stare at her in disbelief. "But you were in the sun and I've watched you eat food and sleep next to me. You can't be a vampire." Moonbyul's eyes have now returned to their normal shade of brown. "It's true myself and a few others Hyejin included are capable of enduring the sun. As for food there's not much flavor to it and it doesn't satisfy us like blood does. I still need to sleep just alot less than what you need. I come from the royal family. My father is the King and I'm next in line for the throne if something ever happens to him." Moonbyul's tells her quietly while still holding her cheek " This is all so much. How old are you? How can we be together if I'm a human." Yongsun finally gains the courage to speak. " I'm a few hundred years old my father and I were turned when I was 22. We were attacked by the original vampire king in a mass attack to gain his forces. After we turned my father worked his way through the ranks and overthrew the previous king making him the now reigning king. As for us working well that's new territory for me. I've only allowed myself to date fellow vampires. I've fallen for you Yongsun. I can't go a few minutes without thinking of you or wanting to be by your side." She admits honestly. "I dont know how to feel about all this but I feel the same way Byul. I promised myself I wouldn't fall for anyone but here you are." "So I take it you'll be my girlfriend then?" Moonbyul looks at her giving her a cheesy smile given. "Yea Byul I want to see where this goes.I still don't know what to think of you being a vampire though." Yongsun glances into Moonbyuls eyes before kissing her on her lips for the first time. Moonbyul pulls back chuckling "it's okay. I'll answer any questions you have about it."

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