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 It was only a few days until the ball. Caterers and party planners had been to the mansion almost every day the past week going over the set up and menu with the head of the wait staff Woobin. Woobin had been a close family friend to the Moon's since before they were turned and was greatly trusted and seen as a fellow member of the family. Moonbyul had been spending more and more time with Solar and had not been home much that week until today. "Byul, its good to see you this morning. Will you be staying awhile? I can arrange for one of the cooks to make you lunch." Woobin greeted Moonbyul warmly. "It's okay, I just need to stop by and grab some of my business documents out of my office. Is my father around? I had a question for him." Moonbyul smiles back at Woobin. Woobin was like an uncle to Moonbyul ever since she was a young girl. "I'm sorry Byul, Your father left this morning to meet with the head of the Choi family. He should be back by tomorrow evening."  Moonbyul thanked him before heading to her office located just off her bedroom. Upon entering her office she noticed a file open on her desk that she knew she put away. The file wasn't of huge importance it was the fact someone was in her personal office without her consent that caused her eyes to turn dark red and rage consume her. 

Using her quick speed she found Woobin and pinned him against the wall in the foyer. "Who was in my office?" she growled. "Miss. Moon what do you mean no one has been here except me and the caterers. I can assure you no one has entered your private quarters." The man even though bigger in size compared to Moonbyul was still terrified of the woman knowing she was one of the strongest vampires in existence. "You had better not be lying. I know someone was in there and when I find out who they will regret ever entering. If you hear about anything let me know. You know I don't tolerate lying or over stepping boundaries." She fumed. Although still furious she loosened her grip on Woobin letting him down. "If you see my father tell him I need to speak with him. I'll be out down at the base if anyone is looking for me." She relaxed more but her eyes were still red. She stormed out of the house and entered her car driving towards the base. She knew the soldiers could use the training and she needed to let off steam.

Upon arrival she was greeted by Seulgi. "Hey Byul I got your text and the men are waiting down on the field." "Good, we are going over hand to hand combat. No extra strength will be allowed. They need to know what it's like to fight in all types of environments and disadvantages." Moonbyul looked quickly at Seulgi before heading to her base office and changing into her combat uniform consisting of black combat boots, camo pants, black t-shirt and black tactical vest. She threw her hair up and put a cap on and her tactical gloves like all the soldiers wore. As she approached the field the men and women on her team halted their training exercises and lined up awaiting further instructions from Moonbyul. "Today's training as I'm sure Seulgi has informed you will consist of human based fighting. We need to be able to fight on all fronts and fighting styles. We can't rely on our strength and speed all the time. The Night Court ball is only in a few days. I want each of you at the top of your game. Let's begin." Each of the team members broke off into pairs. At first Moonbyul only stood on the side and monitored her team. After seeing a few members struggling she halted their activities and gathered everyone in a circle. " Look I know it's been awhile since we have been human but you guys can do this. Now watch. When up against an opponent watch their shoulders and eye movement. They will telegraph their moves and you will easily be able to make a counter attack. If you have to engage with someone try to subdue them instead of going for the kill. We are not killers. Only when necessary do we take a suspect out. Understood!" A unified yes ma'am rang through the group. Moonbyul ran through the exercise a few times before releasing the group to train in pairs. This time she partnered with a younger vampire Lee Daesung. He had only been turned 50 years ago and joined the vampire guard 2 years ago after being found held captive by a stray Forsaken group. He managed to keep Moonbyul on her toes but even without using her strength or speed she still easily took him down into an arm lock.

Training ended a few hours later and the sun was finally setting for the evening. Moonbyul had changed back into her suit and tie before texting Hyejin and driving off to Eclipse. When she arrived Eclipse had just opened for the night but was already packed. Hyejin was behind the bar making drinks for a group of young women along with Namjoon. Moonbyul was still weary of him but was growing to like him and trust him. She shot a wave towards Hyejin before climbing the stairs to her office. On the way she was approached by a few women asking for dances and to take her home. She ignored them all only thinking of her beautiful girlfriend who was currently sitting on the couch in her office.

"Hey Byul, I hope you don't mind. Hyejin let me in. Wheein wasn't feeling well so she stayed home." Yongsun said as she stood to greet Moonbyul with a hug and kiss. "No it's okay. I don't mind at all. Hopefully Wheein feels better soon. I'll have Woobin cook her some soup and have it sent over in the morning." Moonbyul sat in her office chair pulling Yongsun into her lap and resting her head against Yongsun's back. "Everything okay babe. You seem stressed out." Yongsun asked concerned at the lack of energy Moonbyul showed. "Just been a long day. Someone entered my home office. I don't know what they were looking for but a file was on my desk. Nothing big just some records of employment for the mansion. I trained the team today too. It was a much needed training. I want them prepared for anything." "It seems like you've been busy today. I'm glad you got to train today I hope to never see you in actual combat though. Why don't you and Hyejin finish up here for the evening and come over to my apartment. I have the extra room she can stay in." Moonbyul looked up at her with tired eyes and nodded her head in agreement. It wasn't often that Vampires actually grew tired but the added stress of the ball wore Moonbyul out. Yongsun excused herself to let Hyejin know the plans for the evening and hanging out at the bar keeping her occupied while she finished her shift. Moonbyul remained in her office searching doing much needed paperwork concerning the club along with that week's payroll. 

She heard a knock on the door and allowed the person to enter before she knew who it was. Namjoon stood before her looking both determined and terrified. "Namjoon, how can I help you this evening?" Moonbyul asked looking up from her computer. "Look Miss.Moon, I know what you are because I am one too. I wanted to warn you that your in danger. Everyone you love is as well. I don't know much more than Minhyuk is planning something against your family. He has grown suspicious of me so he has left me in the dark lately with his plans. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. He has my sister hostage and wants to make her a Foresaken." As soon as the confession left his lips he was thrown across the room and pinned to the floor. "I knew it! I knew not to trust you in my club. Your a filthy Forsaken and will pay for your crimes against the humans and the royal family." Moonbyul's eyes were a dark red, her fangs were showing and her anger was almost to the point of losing control. "I will accept any punishment you deem fit for me. I never killed or fed off humans though. I only made it look like it to appease him and keep my sister safe. She's all I care about. Let me help you take him down and after I will accept whatever the royal court deems fit." Namjoon pleaded through strangled breaths. Moonbyul had her hand on his throat so tight she could have easily crushed it. "Why should I believe you? This could be a trick to let my guard down. Either way you will help me and if you so much as think of turning against me or my family and loved ones you will regret it. Now leave before I snap your neck." Moonbyul released her grip on him letting the terrified young man leave the office. She grabbed her jacket and car keys and stormed out of the office passing straight by Yongsun and Hyejin. 

"Byul?! Wait up! Please slow down babe. What's going on?" Yongsun managed to catch up to Moonbyul when she made it to her car. "Yong please stay away from me right now. I can't risk hurting you." Moonbyul yelled at her trying to keep her distance from the young girl. Yongsun spun her around and put her face into her hands. "Byul you won't hurt me I trust you. I know your angry but you need to calm down. Let's go and we can talk about it later when your ready. Okay?" Yongsun spoke softly which seemed to calm the angered vampire some. Yongsun took Moonbyul's keys and drove to her apartment. After parking the car and walking up to the apartment Yongsun noticed Moonbyul was too exhausted for any conversation. She left a spare key hidden outside and texted Hyejin to come crash after her shift all while guiding Moonbyul to her bedroom and laying her down. 

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