Plan In Place

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Two months had passed since Yongsun's and Wheein's big night performing. Business at Eclipse had been booming. The nightclub had quickly become Seoul's most popular LGBTQ+ club. Moonbyul finally began to trust Namjoon after he had become the best and most popular bartender in the club besides Hyejin. Yongsun was promoted to store manager after the previous manager was fired for theft and falsifying bank statements. Wheein was offered head dance instructor but declined for the time being. She was enjoying instructing the classes and didn't want to be bothered with paperwork and the stress that came with it. 

Moonbyul's father had called Moonbyul to the mansion for a meeting one evening and when she entered she was met with the heads of Night Court sitting around a table. "Sir, may I ask what the meaning of this meeting is? Is there another Forsaken attack?" Moonbyul said getting ready to suit up her team. "Byul, calm down there is no emergency. The exact opposite in fact it has been 100 years since I have become King and peace has been restored among the South Korean Vampire clans. I want to celebrate this with a ball. All the Night Court families will be in attendance. I want you and your friends to attend.It will be held here at the end of the month on the full moon." " Yes Sir, I will gather my team to start preparing a security plan." Moonbyul turned on her heels to leave and get to work when her father stopped her. "Not so fast Moonbyul. Yes your team will be working security but you won't. You will be the other guest of honor alongside me. Please wear your dress uniform. We will also be honoring the establishment of the Vampire Guard and you as their Commander." Moonbyul nodded before bowing and exiting the room. 

She immediately left the mansion and drove to the Vampire Guard base that was the next town over. To say she was nervous was an understatement. They had parties before at the mansion but never at this big of scale and with this many prominent families. As she entered the base she was greeted by her third in command Seulgi who was just under Hyejin. "Commander! I wasn't expecting you today. Is everything okay?" Seulgi greeted Moonbyul as they walked to Moonbyul's office. "Yes, everything is fine. My father wants to hold a ball with all the Night's Court in attendance. I have to attend the ball as well as Hyejin so I am leaving you in charge that night." "Okay we will start training immediately. I'll keep a small team behind in case we have any Forsaken attacks." "Thank you Seulgi. I trust you this is why I'm asking you to personally keep an eye on Minhyuk. I still don't trust him but my father blindly does. You will be my father's personal guard for the night." Moonbyul handed Seulgi a set of documents containing the mansion layout and security plans to be put in place as well as a back up plan.

  Back in Seoul in the run down house Minhyuk has gathered his followers. "Good Evening everyone.  It seems like the King is going to make this take over easy for us. He will be holding a ball two weeks from now to celebrate the day he killed my father. We will strike then. The entire Vampire Court will be in attendance including those human pets of Moonbyuls' and her friends. I want them taken alive I have personal plans with them." Minhyuk addressed the Forsaken who stared at him with hunger and excitement in their eyes. " What do we do with the rest of the court Sir?" A low level Forsaken spoke up but was thrown across the room by Namjoon. "Its okay Namjoon. I want the rest of the court to be killed but leave the King to me. Namjoon I want you to distract Moonbyul and Hyejin long enough for Hoseok and Jimin to take the girls. We have another inside man who will be helping as well." Minhyuk walked over to the boy who was thrown and picked him up dusting off his clothes. "My friends a new era is upon us. Vampires will return to ruling the human world once again. When I reign as King no vampire will live in fear. Only those who oppose me will suffer like they made us suffer." The Forsaken followers raised their voices in agreement before being dismissed by Minhyuk. 

Minhyuk ordered his followers to keep a low profile until the night of the ball and attack a nearby city instead to throw the Vampire Guard off their scent. The Forsaken reluctantly agreed to his request. Namjoon was to keep up his charade at the club to keep suspicion off of him. Minhyuk was proud his plan seemed to be going perfectly. The only thing remaining was to kill both the King and Moonbyul and he would be able to take his rightful place as King of the South Korean Vampire population. If successful he plans to take his army and take over other countries as well to become the only ruling Vampire King. 

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