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Moonbyul and Hyejin arrive at Moonbyul's mansion to the sight of 10 of her families personal guards heading out in black SUVs. "Sir what is the meaning of this. What is going on that you needed to send the personal guards out." Moonbyul yells as she enters her father's study. " There was an attack on a human about an hour ago. The girl is alive thankfully but in bad condition. She was taken to our families medical site to be monitored in case she changes or passes away. You know how painful the changing process is." Her father says while rifling through paperwork. "Yes sir I'm well aware. I've seen many good people lose their fight to the change." Moonbyul sadly recalls the memories of watching dozens not surviving the transformation from human to vampire.

"Anyway I got your text. You needed to see me Sir." "Yes, with tonights attack this makes it the 7th Forsaken sighting in the city. I need you to deal with them. They will not face trial. Only execution." Her father says anger now rising in his voice. "Yes sir, I will handle it right away. I'll message the guards to get their location and handle the matter."

Not only was Moonbyul the daughter of the King of Vampires she was also the head of the Vampire Guard. The elite task force built to deal with Forsaken vampires. She was rarely called on a mission since opening her club but when she did she would leave the club in Hyejins hands. "Byul, I'll head to Eclipse right away to check in on everything. Call me when this is all settled." Hyejin is also a vampire from a high ranking family. Since her family also has ancient blood lines she has the same capabilities as Moonbyul.

Moonbyul left swiftly to catch up to the guards. She found their location in a run down building on the outskirts of the town. "What's the situation?" "Looks like there's 4 Foresaken. From their actions the aren't the strongest. Most likely weakened from their inability to find a decent food source." One of the guards informed her. "Okay let's move in. The king called for their execution. Proceed with caution like always. They no longer think straight all they see is bloodlust." Moonbyul tells her team.

They move in and catch the Foresaken off guard. Three of them are disposed of immediately as a few guards snap their necks. Moonbyul is left face to face with the strongest of the four. He lunges at her but Moonbyul is quicker and diverts his attack to throw him into the wall. He gets up and begins throwing punches at Moonbyul with one successfully landing in her ribs and another in the eye. This angers Moonbyul and she uses her lightening speed to dispose of him once and for all. They take the bodies to an abandoned field ànd burn them.

Moonbyul returns home sore but alive. She grabs a blood packet out of the fridge to recover her strength. Checking her phone she sends a good night message to Yonsun and makes a quick call to Hyejin. Moonbyul makes her way to her room to change out of her now blood soaked clothes and shower. Once showered she throws on black sweats and a hoodie. She sits at her computer already forgetting the nights gruesome events and focuses on her business doing pay roll and ordering more alcohol and supplies for the club. It's now 4am when her phone goes off. She checks it thinking it's Hyejin letting her know the club closed for the night. She's shocked to see it's actually Yongsun telling her she can't sleep. Moonbyul quickly calls the girl that has not left her mind in the past 48 hours. Yongsun picks it up on the second ring. "Hey why are you still up. Go to bed you need your rest." Moonbyul chuckles at Yongsun knowing the poor girl doesn't know her secret. "Don't worry I don't sleep much anyway. Plus I was up working on some club business when I got your text. Is everything okay do you need me to come over." "Calm down Moonbyul it's okay I just always have trouble sleeping and your the first person I could think of. I miss you already." Yongsun quietly admits. "Hey give me your address I'm coming over I'll be there in 10 mins. I'll text you when I'm at your door." With that Moonbyul hung up and grabbed her keys.

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