Truth Be Told

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After a few more songs Hyejin and Wheein decide to relax in the V.I.P lounge. "Have you seen Yongsun and Moonbyul. They've been missing all night since the altercation with that drunk idiot." Wheein asks worriedly. "I'm sure they're just in Moonbyul's office. She always texts me before heading home and my phone's been quiet." Hyejin reassures her. "So can I ask what we are right now? I really like you Hyejin but I don't want to be just a hook up or anything for you." "Wheein, I like you alot too it's just there's things you need to know about me that I'm afraid you'll hate me for. I'm gonna need Moonbyul's permission to talk to you about it. Let's go to her office." Hyejin takes Wheeins hand and leads her to the office where Moonbyul and Yongsun still sit.

Upon entering they see Yongsun laying on the couch with Moonbyul on top of her in a deep make out session. "Ehem, Byul I need to talk to you privately for a moment." Moonbyul sits up from Yongsun, both girls blushing from embarrassment of being caught. Hyejin grabs Moonbyul's arm. " I want to tell Wheein I'm a vampire can I have your permission or do I have to ask the King?." "It's fine with me, I just told Yongsun myself and we are okay as you could see. Just trust her and reassure her she has nothing to fear. I'm right here if you need help." Moonbyul puts her hand on Hyejin's shoulder reassuring the younger vampire.

Hyejin sits next to Wheein on the couch while Yongsun goes to stand in Moonbyul's arms by her desk. "Hyejin what is going on exactly?" "The truth is Wheein. I am a vampire. I've been one for a few hundred years now. Both Byul and I were turned in an attack when we were your age...I will never harm you though I promise. We only drink animal blood." "Your lying this is a joke right. Vampires aren't real." Wheein says in disbelief as Yongsun joins the two on the couch. "She's not lying Wheein, Byul just told me too. I know it's alot to take in but I trust them. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen Byuls' eyes earlier." Wheeins eyes widen in shock of the news. "I don't know what to say. This is all so much right now." She puts her head in her hands, her mind is confused with the news she has received. "Wheein I respect you need time to process this. If you need space I'll give it to you but I don't want to give up on what we have. I hope you won't either." Hyejin tells her before bowing politely and exiting the room. "I'm going to check on Hyejin and the rest of the club text me if you need me" Moonbyul tells Yongsun pulling her into a gentle kiss and leaves the girls to talk. "Do you really trust they won't hurt us Yong? They're vampires. I don't know if I can believe them." "Hey if they wanted to hurt us they would've done so already. Byul and Hyejin care about and love us please give her a chance to prove it. I don't understand it all either but I trust Byul." Yongsun  "Okay I'll try I just need you guys to be patient with me." The girls joined Moonbyul and Hyejin out in the V.I.P. area. Yongsun immediately curls herself up into her girlfriends arms kissing her deeply. Wheein nervously approaches Hyejin sitting next to her. "I want to try this. I want to try us." Wheein tells the waiting vampire quietly. "Really, thank you Wheein. I promise to protect you with everything that i am." Hyejin grasps Wheeins hands in hers smiling widely. "May I kiss you Wheein?" "Yea I think I'd be okay with that." Wheein smiles before letting Hyejin pull her in for a small kiss.

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