Academics and Music

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Wheein and Yongsun wake up early both with slight hangovers from the previous nights fun. They decide to hit the local library to begin their project. For their project they have to give a report on a famous singer and how they influenced music today. Additionally the professor has asked students to pick one song of that artists and perform it. The performance could either be live or recorded. All the students opted for live. The professor decided to make an event out of it and push the performance portion to the end of the year and hold a big concert where the students will perform their songs.

The girls decided to do their projects on Imagine Dragons and Kehlani.

(A/n watch Solar cover Believer Acapella and Wheein cover Honey )

Yongsun decided to work on Imagine Dragons while Wheein excitedly chose Kehlani. The girls wanted their song choices to remain secret until the night of the concert. Wheein quickly found all the information she needed to complete her research paper and finished in just a few hours. She noticed Yongsun struggling to find sources and decided to help her out. " Hey we've been at this damn project for hours give yourself a break. We can come back tomorrow. Plus you don't have that much left from the looks of it." Wheein tells her while packing her belongings up. "You know I can't do that Wheein. If I don't finish now I'll just stress over it the rest of the day. Give me 15 more minutes I just have to finish the conclusion and cite everything."

Wheein leaves the library to visit the coffee shop next door. As she enters the shop she spots Hyejin with another woman. She wanted to go say hi to her but it appeared Hyejin was busy with the woman. Wheein orders and pays for their coffees and on the way out Hyejin spots her.

"Hey Wheein! I didn't think I'd see you here." Hyejin is now walking towards her with her friend in tow. "Oh hey Hyejin. Yea I was just grabbing some coffee for my friend and I. We are at the library next door finishing a project." Now it was Hyejins friends turn to speak up. "Your Yongsuns friend right? I remember you from the club. I hope you enjoyed your evening." Moonbyul states cooly. "Oh you must be Moonbyul. Yongsun can't stop talking about you. She's actually at the library now if you give me five minutes we can all head somewhere to hang out." Wheein says happily. "That sounds like a plan. We both have nothing to do and I did promise Yongsun to hang out today." With that Wheein jogged over to the library to see her best friend was already on her way out. "Yong! I just ran into Hyejin and Moonbyul they want to hang out. Is that okay?" At the sound of Moonbyul's name Yongsuns face lit up. "Yea of course we were suppose stop hang out later but this works out perfectly." The girls join Hyejin and Moonbyul as they now all walk to the local river park.

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