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It's been a few months since Moonbyul had introduced Yongsun to her father. Things were going smoothly for both couples. During the weekday mornings Yongsun and Wheein attended college which they only had a week left in. They both only had two classes to attend so Yongsun worked at a nearby music shop for a couple hours three times a week.

   Yongsun loved her job because she was surrounded by instruments that the owner would allow her to play on occasion. Customers loved hearing Yongsun play the piano and sing.

   Wheein on the other hand got a job helping out a dance studio near the University. It started out as her taking some classes but the head choreographer was impressed with her skills and offered her a position teaching the hip hop classes since their last teacher just quit to move to Okinawa.

  Both girls worked hard at their jobs and when they weren't working or at school they had their girlfriends over spending time together. Weekends were spent studying during the day and then hanging at Eclipse at night. Moonbyul mainly stayed in her office occasionally coming out to walk around the club and check in on her girlfriend. Her focus lately had been overseeing the new guy Namjoon. Customers seemed to love him but she felt uneasy with his presence. She had Hyejin oversee his training for the first two weeks since she was head manager of the club. After that Hyejin assumed her task of just roaming the club to catch underage kids and troublesome drunks.

One evening the girls had all decided to go to Yongsuns for the night due to the two younger girls having to finish up their final presentation at the end of the week. Wheein and Hyejin grew closer over the month. Wheein came to trust Hyejin after the news of her being a vampire. Both Moonbyul and Hyejin answered any and all questions when it came to the subject. Yongsun fell deeper in love with Moonbyul every passing day. She promised herself she didn't want to wait but fate had other plans for her and she was happy about that.

Wheein and Hwasa were both curled up on the far side of the couch passed out while Yongsun was cleaning up the kitchen from dinner and dessert. "Hey do you need any help you know I can have this all done in 5 seconds." Yongsun hears Moonbyul say as she sits at the dining table. "No Byul it's okay, I'm almost done anyway just relax for now." Moonbyul gets up to embrace her girlfriend placing kisses along the girls neck. "Byul baby slow down. It's late and you and Hyejin need to go and hunt still. I know you haven't all week." " Okay, can I call you in the morning though I still need to know when your concert is. I want to be there." Yongsun leans up and kisses her girlfriend sweetly. " Of course you can call me. The concert is this Thursday by the way. I hope you can make it." "I'll be there and so will Hyejin. It's early enough that the club isn't open yet. But we can head there after to celebrate." Moonbyul places a kiss on Yongsuns forehead and then on her lips before waking Hyejin up. "Come on, We got to go it's late enough and there's a forest nearby we can hunt in." Hyejin nods before kissing Wheeins head and tucking her in on the couch. Both vampires headed out into the night while Yongsun crawled into bed falling alseep with thoughts of her other half.

Out in the woods..." Hyejin I picked up the scent of a deer nearby. Go downwind I'll chase it towards you." Hyejin took off like lightning to a tree about a mile downwind from where they spotted the deer. It was a large buck that would be more than plenty of blood for both girls. Moonbyul's eyes turned red as she focused on the buck. She ran it down towards Hyejin's location and Hyejin dropped on top of it successfully taking it down and snapping it's neck. "Thank you friend for your sacrifice. You lived a good life." Hyejin says to the now buck. It was a saying they would repeat after every kill they made honoring the animals spirit. It was one more thing that separated them from the Foresaken. The Foresaken didn't care who they hurt or killed it was all a game to them. Both girls drank their fill of the blood and then proceeded to carry the corpse back to the house where a family friend would take it to harvest the venison and sell at his butcher shop. Hyejin returned home and Moonbyul went to her room for a long shower and short nap.

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