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Brandon's POV:

"But that's not fair!!" I yelled at my stupid older brother.

"Not fair? How in the hell is it not fair Brandon!" Dean yelled at me through gritted teeth.

"Dean I have to go to Taylor's birthday dinner, he's my best friend I can't miss it!!"

There is no way I am missing my best friends big night. He never celebrates his birthday and the dinner was my idea, he'll just cancel the whole thing if I don't go.

"You skipped school three days in a row to go drink behind the baseball field." Dean deadpans

"Yeah and you grounded me for that three months ago!!" I state

"Exactly, one month for every day you skipped. And you still have four days before that three months is up kid so you're not going."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me Dean!!" Oops, didn't mean for that to slip out...


Ow that hurt a little...

Next thing I know Dean has pushed his pointer finger onto my chest hard so I'm backed up against the living room wall.

"Now you listen and you listen good okay.
This is your fault, not mine. YOU decided to skip school even though you knew we would find out and YOU decided to drink underage... NOT ME. I love Taylor, you know he is another brother to me and I hate that he is going to be disappointed by his favorite person on this planet but maybe this will teach you to never skip school again."

"Dean please, please just let me go to dinner tonight and you can add another month to my grounding."

My voice cracked a little while saying this, I really don't want to disappoint him. He's had Enoch disappointment to last a lifetime.

"Sorry kiddo but no."

"What about three months! Or four! I don't care how long just-"

"Brandon no. You are not going and that's final. Drop it." he cut me off and gave me a look that said to not test him any farther.

I let out an angry huff and stomped up the stairs.

I know it's my fault but I'm still pissed he won't let me go. It's Taylor for fricks sake, I would get it if it was another friends dinner BUT TAYLOR!!

I shut my door a little too forcibly than one might normally close a door but I didn't care, I was too mad to care.

Fuck no I'm not missing his party. I don't care what Dean has to say I-


Uh oh... is Dean gonna yell at me for slamming my door??

"He Brandon can I come in?"

Awe, I'd know that sweet voice anywhere.

I walk over and open my door, feeling whatever anger I had fizzle away the second I saw my baby sisters puppy dog eyes.

"What's up princess?"

She rolled her eyes at the nickname. Laysee always pretends she doesn't like it or thinks she's too old for it now but we all know it makes her feel beautiful so we still use it.

"I just wanted to say I'm really sorry Dean isn't letting you go to Taylor's birthday dinner tonight. I also want to make sure you don't make some stupidly elaborate plan to sneak out of here when all it's gonna do is get you in even more trouble. I know it probably really sucks but please just stay here and behave. I'll ask Dean if Taylor can stop by after the dinner and hang with you for a little while okay?"

5 brothers and 1 sister (spanking story) Where stories live. Discover now