Dylan Pt 2

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Laysee's POV:

I yawn as my 7am alarm goes off and do a quick stretch in bed. I must be the only teenager to voluntarily wake up at 7 on a Saturday. I laughed at myself.

Time for the best thing to ever exist, coffee. I put my slippers on and quietly walk down the stairs. Once I'm done making it I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv.

An hour later I hear the door open and look to my left to see Mark and Dean walking in the front door. "How was the wedding?"

"It was good, Derek says hello" my oldest brother says, dropping his keys in the table in the kitchen then coming up behind me on the couch for a hug.

"Well I'm glad it went good!"

"How did everything go here?" Dean asked curiously

On no... I don't want to rat Dylan out but I don't want to get in trouble.

Mark must have sensed my mental dilema because he sat up to look at me. "Laysee did something happen while we were gone?"

"Um, well you see, um no, but um" what do I do what do I do?!

"Who was in charge?" Dean asked

"Me" I said quietly

"If you took on the responsibility to watch them you need to tell us if anything happened while we were gone Laysee." Geez Dean tone down the stern level would you...

"I um" I panicked and quickly stood up to walk out of the room but Mark grabbed me by the arm. "Sweetie I know you don't like telling us if your brothers did something but you need to alright?"

"How do you know I didn't do something" I said

"Because if it was you that did something you would have told us right when we asked" Dean said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Just then I saw Dylan come down the stairs and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh hey guys" Dylan must have been shocked to see them home, what is he even doing up it's only 8:15?

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I would join Laysee" He looked at my arm and saw Mark still holding it and quickly walked over to us and stood between me and Mark.

"She didn't do anything, it was me, ok. I stuck out and got drunk at a part, the cops came and Brandon had to pick me up and bail me out with his own money."

Dylan was so mad last time they punished me because I didn't snitch and seeing as how mad he looks right now I'm going to assume he isn't going to let that happen again.

"Don't look at me like that Dylan and watch your tone." Dean said sternly.

"How about we all jus-" I started but was quickly interrupted by Mark, "Laysee go to your room"

"But what did I do?!" I argued

Mark let out an audible sigh, "nothing honey we just need to talk to Dylan alone." Yeah... "talk"...

Dylan's POV:

I gulped. You're going to do much more than talk to me.

"What were you thinking" Dean started.

"I was just trying to have some fun"

"Fun. Fun?! You think going out and illegally drinking is fun??" Dean yelled

"Well you sure thought it was when you were my age" I sassed. Big mistake.

Dean looked like he was actually going to kill me, I started stepping backwards. "Dean I-"

5 brothers and 1 sister (spanking story) Where stories live. Discover now