Dylan Pt 1

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Dylan's POV:

What is going on?

Where am I?

Oh shit.

~ 4 hours earlier ~

"Alright so we'll be back tomorrow morning, probably before most of you wake up, so be good" My oldest brother said.

"We're fine Mark, I promise we are going to survive" Brandon said as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay we're leaving. I'm trusting y'all so don't disappoint me. I left dinner in the fridge you can just heat it up in half an hour or so." Mark said while giving us all a hug.

He and Dean were headed to a wedding for one of their friends from high school.

"Love y'all, text if you need anything" Dean said when it was his turn for hugs.

Love you's were heard from everyone and the two oldest Greens walked out the door.

I had already made plans to meet up with some friends and go to this rich college guys party tonight so having them gone means I don't even need to worry about sneaking out.

"Alright I'm charge, everyone take a shower then we'll heat up dinner."

"Just because your the oldest Brandon does not mean you're automatically in charge" Peter challenged. "If anything the most responsible one should be in charge."

Laysee was fidgeting with her hair tie but looked up when she realized we were all looking at her. "Why do you guys always do this. You know I love the rules but am a total pushover and you abuse it every time! Then I get in trouble for not ratting y'all out and it hurts my feelings that y'all think you can just walk all over me!" Laysee ranted.

"Princess I'm sorry if you feel that way, I know we do sometimes, but none of us are planning anything stupid tonight okay? You know Mark and Dean would feel comfortable knowing you're in charge, they might even go out more often if they know we can handle ourselves without getting into trouble!" Brandon said giving Laysee a kiss on the forehead.

"Swear to me none of you are going to do anything tonight and that I can trust y'all."

"I swear" Brandon said heading upstairs to take a shower.

"Eh, maybe." Laysee glared at Peter, "I'm just joking jeez, I swear I won't do anything!"

"Dylan?" Awe her puppy dog eyes are so cute. "I swear Lace".

She breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, then headed into the kitchen to do the dishes. I feel so bad right now.

After dinner I said I was tired and was headed upstairs to sleep while the rest of them watched a movie. I quickly put a pillow under my sheets, grabbed my computer and started playing my snoring app (this wasn't my first time sneaking out... I've learned from past mistakes) and crawled out the window.

"Dude lets go what took you so long!!" My friend Jace said ushering me to hop in his Jeep.

"Sorry man I had to eat dinner with the fam then sneak out the window."

"I thought you said your brothers were going out of town?"

"They are, but Laysee is in charge." That is all I had to say for him to understand, he nodded then turned up the music.

Next thing I knew we were parked in the huge driveway, there were at least two hundred people here right now. I walk in to see drunk kids everywhere and a few people making out on the couches and some heading upstairs.

5 brothers and 1 sister (spanking story) Where stories live. Discover now