Bonus Chapter

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Hello all you gorgeous people!! Shoutout to: WolvesAndBooksAbby for giving me this idea!!

Here is a chapter where nothing goes wrong!!
So please enjoy this wholesome sibling love chapter of the kids a few years ago making a new Valentines Day tradition hehe!



Laysee POV:

My alarm goes off and I quickly shoot out of bed. It's Valentines Day! The day of loveeeee!

I laugh to myself before quickly getting ready for the day. I'm ecstatic that Valentines Day fell on a Saturday today, such perfect timing.

Once I put on my clothes and brush my hair I immediately run to Dylan's room.

I open the door to see he's still asleep. I roll my eyes.

"Dylan" I whisper, not wanting to scare him awake.

He doesn't move a muscle.

"Dylan!" I say a little louder.

I hear him groan and throw his pillow over his head.

"Wake up" I complain.

I hear him starting to snore again.

I quickly run over to him and jump on his bed so hard he almost flies off of it.

"Laysee! What the heck" he says, glaring at me.

I start busting out laughing and it only takes about two seconds before he's laughing too.

"You promised me you would wake up early to make breakfast for everyone with me remember!" I say, defending my actions.

"I was really hoping you would just forget about that over the week" he mumbled, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

I lightly hit his arm, "rude"

He lets out another short laugh before getting out of bed. "Alright looser let's go before anyone else wakes up and ruins the surprise" he says, walking out the door.

I grin and run after him.

When we get downstairs into the kitchen I grab moms cookbook from the bottom drawer. I stare at it a second, it's already been three years but I still miss them both so much.

I hear Dylan walk over to me and he hugs me from behind for a second. I look over my shoulder some to see he's staring at the cookbook too.

I didn't mean to make him sad.

I clear my throat, "alright time to make some of moms famous pancakes!" I say.

"Ugh this is harder than I thought it would be" Dylan says frustrated.

"I know! How hard can it be to flip a pancake" I say also frustrated.

Every time we tried to flip the pancake one of two things would happen: 1) the pancake would be stuck to the pan so we couldn't even flip it, or 2) when we would flip the pancake wouldn't cook all the way through and we'd be left with a gooey mess in the middle.

Someone started laughing at the kitchen doorway. Dylan and I both shoot our heads in the direction of the laugh to see a half awake Dean bent over laughing.

I glare at him even though he can't see it.

"You're supposed to be asleep Dean, this was going to be a surprise, go back to bed" I say.

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