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Dylan's POV:

So I'm walking  out the school doors, headed to the car when my friend Carter stopped me.

"Dude remember when we were talking the other day about how we wanted to try cigarettes?" He questioned.

We were talking about it yesterday of course I remember. "Yeah, why?" I replied.

He reached in his back pocket and held up a full pack. I quickly slapped in his hand down. "Dude put that down my brother is right there!"

Brandon had practice today so Mark was picking Laysee, Peter and I up. He was sitting in the parking spot less than 15 feet from where we were just then. Thankfully he was looking his his phone so he didn't see the cigarettes.

I let out a breathe of relief.

"Oops sorry man. Why are you such a wimp when it comes to your brothers anyway? What are they going to do, send you to your room" he mocked.

Sure he was my friend but the only person outside our family that knows we still get spanked is Taylor, and that is only because he is family too.

I nervously laughed, "whatever man, I'm not a wimp I just don't feel like getting yelled at is all."

"Whatever dude. Come on let's go behind the bleachers and try one."

"Don't you think Mark would find it suspicious if I just snuck away with you right now and hopped in the car SMELLING LIKE SMOKE" I said emphasizing the last few words

Just then Mark looked up and waved. I waved back and held up a finger to let him know I'll be there in a minute. He just nods and goes back to looking at his phone.

"Fine, then take one and we'll both try it tonight and tell each other how it goes tomorrow morning in first period"

I rolled my eyes. If I get caught I'm screwed...but, I have always wanted to know what it's like. Dean says it tastes disgusting and is bad for me but he also was the one to say "don't knock it till you try it" so... "fine" I grabbed one and quickly stuffed it in the small zipper of my book bag.

I said my goodbyes and hopped in the front seat. "Hey Mark"

"Hey kid how was school?" He asks smiling.

"Boring as always. I think I did okay on my Spanish test today though"

"That's awesome Dyl. Hard work pays off"

"Okay grandma" I said and he laughed.

"It's true though! So what were you and your friend talking about?" He asks

"Oh nothing, he was just telling me how we were going to need to sit together in first period tomorrow" I said, leaving out a few details of the conversation

Mark shrugged "as long as you pay attention in class"

I let out a small laugh, "Yes sir I will" then I froze. I only say yes sir if I am in trouble or guilty of something. Man I'm stupid.

He looked over at me and squinted his eyes, I'm assuming to see why I said that. Dang it. Think! Think!!

I mockingly saluted him with a grin so he would think I said it in a joking way. He must have bought it because all he did was playfully salute me back.

A few second later Laysee hops in the car. "Hey sorry y'all had to wait I was talking to someone"

Since when does Laysee have friends to talk to after school?

5 brothers and 1 sister (spanking story) Where stories live. Discover now