Brandon Pt 1

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Brandon's POV:

"Shhh!!" I said to my friend Taylor.
"Why are we having to whisper dude?" Sometimes he can be so stupid... "Oh I don't know T, maybe because it's 2am and we're SNEAKING BACK IN MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW" I whisper yelled.

"Brandon there is literally no one in the kitchen right now let's just walk in." Taylor went to grab the door but I smacked his hand away. "No way dude! You know Dean will have my ass if he catches me sneaking back in again, not to mention yours too."

See, Taylor has been my best friend since 5k. He has a bad home life so he sleeps over at our house when things get too rough. When we were 14 we both got really drunk and after Dean caught us he spanked us both. Ever since then, he hasn't been afraid to put Taylor in his place too.

I peaked in the window one last time and reached for the door knob. "Wait!" Taylor said. "What man, do you see someone?!" "Yeah it's Laysee."

"You almost gave me a heart attack man. Don't worry, you know Laysee won't tell anyone." I rolled my eyes, he must be drunker than I thought.

"No, we're not going in yet. I don't care if she won't rat us out, I'm not going to make her have to like to your brothers if we get caught." He is so protective over her. Like I know I am but he takes it to a whole other dimension...

Taylor has had kind of a thing for Laysee ever since we were 16 and he got spanked by Dean. He was on the couch crying really late that night, not because of the pain in his butt as much as just the pain in his life. Laysee, being the nocturnal creature she was, heard him and sat there hugging him until he fell asleep.
I don't have a problem with it because surprisingly enough, I think they would be good for each other. And I'm about 85% sure she likes him too, she just doesn't know her worth enough to realize he's into her. I mean he's totally her type: black hair, slight muscle, sharp jawline, loves physical affection, etc...

We sat there and waited for to finish making her second cup of green tea. Like seriously Laysee this isn't England, rap it up so I can go to bed...

"Okay lets go" I said when it had been a few minutes since she'd gone upstairs. "If we get caught I making a run for it" Taylor laughed. "The hell you are man, if I go down I'm taking you with me" I said, punching him shoulder jokingly.

We snuck inside the front door, past the living room, and made our way upstairs undetected. I slowly opened my bedroom door when it creaked. I froze and Taylor turned around to see if Mark or Dean were coming down the hall. "The coast is clear" he said with a thumbs up and goofy smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked inside my bedroom.

Right as I turned around to give Taylor a high five my bedside lamp turned on. I was too scared to turn around but when I saw the look on T's face and heard him say "oh no"... I knew my life was over.

"Nice of you two to finally show up" Dean growled. This is it, this is when my life ends... I wanted to physically punch myself for ever thinking I would get away with this, I never do!

"Dean, I can explain" I started, holding up my hands in surrender. "Don't even try, its the same stupid excuses every time Brandon." Dean rolled his eyes.

I looked over at Taylor to see him just looking at the floor. Why is he always like this when we get caught? He acts like a puppy that just got caught chewing on his owners fancy shoes.

"Why don't you do what Taylor does and just be quiet" Dean said reaching to unbuckle his belt. I saw T flinch at the mention of his name but still didn't say anything.

I on the other hand was starting to panic. I hate the belt and last time I got caught by  Dean he said I wouldn't be able to sit for a year if I snuck out to another party again. Why am I so stupid!

"Who wants to go first?" My older brother asked. I laughed but quickly apologized before I made things worse for myself. I don't think either of us wants to do it at all...

"Alright then, no volunteers? Taylor you're up first. Brandon go get a shower and sober up, the more you feel what's coming to you the better." I hate him right now...

Dean's POV:

Poor Taylor always is so scared when he is in trouble, I'm sure it is because of his past. I asked the  boys who would go first and Brandon laughed but Taylor looked as if he was going to cry.

"Alright then, no volunteers? Taylor you're up first. Brandon go get a shower and sober up, the more you feel what's coming to you the better." I could see the anger written all over Brandon's face after I said the last part and he quickly walked out of the room.

"Alright kid come here so we can get this over with." I could see Taylor starting to shake. "Please Dean, I'm sorry I won't do it again, please." I didn't want to but I knew I had to.

"I'm sorry T, maybe after this one you'll finally learn not to sneak out and party again."

"I know we shouldn't have Dean, honest, I just wanted to have a little fun and forget about life for a while."

"You can have fun without drinking underage in the middle of the night Taylor" I said in a warning tone. "I did exactly what you are doing and all I got was a one way ticket to military school and 2 arrests on my permanent record."

Taylor stood there frozen but I could see he was lost in thought. I knew he wouldn't be able to walk over to the bed himself so I quickly, but gently, grabbed his arm and bent him over Brandon's bed.

I took my belt out of its loops and folded it up, making sure I was holding the buckle part so only the leather would make contact with him. Taylor tensed up and buried his head in the sheets.


"Ow" I heard Taylor whisper.

I kept up a steady rhythm of 3, pause a second to let it sink in, then do it again. After about 24 he started talking.

"Dean please I'm sorry I-I won't do it again"


"I swear I won't p-please"

I had to bite my lip to keep from stopping myself. "Last 10 bud, you're almost done." On the last three I swung harder to really get the message through to him.

As soon as I finished I threw the belt across the room and lifted Taylor up. He cried into my shoulder while I rubbed soothing circles on his back. Taylor looked up at me, "I-I-I'm really sorry Dean." He looks so young right now. "I know kid, I know." I wiped the tears from his cheeks and kissed the top of his head.

"Why don't you get a shower now and go get some rest." I signed when I realized I still had one more punishment to hand out. "Okay" was all Taylor whispered before he waddled our the door, sniffling along the way.

I waited in the room for Brandon to come in, I know he would as soon as he saw Taylor come out. Sure enough a minute later — a more sober and less cocky — Brandon walks in the door. The kid looked like a nervous wreck.

Brandon's POV:

I thought I could do this but I can't. Maybe I could make a run for it? Live on the road, hitch hiking whenever I needed to. It's not like Dean's loud Impala could ever sneak up behind me because I would hear it, right?

Dean started walking over to me and I naturally stepped back until I hit the wall and had nowhere to go. My brother must be a mind reader because he positioned himself where he was in between me and my bedroom door. Darn it.

"Brandon, I know you don't want to but you and I both know it is well deserved, correct?"

"Yes sir" I mumbled looking at the floor. Big mistake.

Dean grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you. If you make a mistake you have to own up to it and accept the consequences, good or bad."

"I know, I'm sorry Dean."

"Turn around and put your hands on the wall."

A/N: I'm making this story two parts since it's getting longer than I had previously thought it would be, but the other part will be up shortly! Thank y'all for giving my story a chance and voting on it!! Let me know if there's something specific you want to read!

~ Love Always, L ~

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