All Of Them

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Laysee's POV:

One morning. All I ask for is one morning without anyone yelling, running down the hall, laughing at someone else's pain, etc... I just want to drink my coffee in peace. Brothers, I had to have brothers.

"What's up weirdo" my twin said while flicking me off. Lovely. "What were y'all doing upstairs it sounded like a heard of rhinos dancing up there" I said as I took another sip of my caffeinated perfection.

"Oh nothing, we were trying on your heels and kept falling" I rolled my eyes at Dylan's antics, "ha ha, you know I don't own but one pair of heels." It's not my fault I'm the only girl on the planet that likes Adidas over the constant pain of those pointy shoes from hell...

"What were y'all really doing?" I raised an eyebrow. "We were just tackling each other" he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Of course, why am I not shocked.

"Boys!" I heard my oldest brother yell. Next thing I knew he was stomping downstairs. "Get down here now!"

Dylan walked to the kitchen doorway which led to the living room and stood there waiting to know what all the commotion was about. I, of course, stayed in my seat in case one of them was about to get punished. Please don't let that be the case. I hated when my brothers got in trouble.

Mark's POV:

~ a few minutes earlier ~
Dean has a night shift last night and was headed home to sleep. I went into his room to get his laundry and noticed his the armchair he had by his window was moved to beside his closet. That's weird. I moved the chair and saw what looked like spilled wine on his carpet that someone had tried to get the stain out.
~ present time ~

"Boys!" I yelled, "Get down here now!"

Right as all of them were in the living room Dean walks in the door. "Dean, did you have wine recently?"

"I just got done with a 12 hour sleep man, I'm tired not drunk" he said confused.

"That's not what I meant, I went to get your dirty laundry when I noticed your armchair had moved. I know you hadn't done it so I moved it to see what looks like a wine stain on your carpet."

"WHAT!" Dean looked furious, "who did that!!"

I pointed at all my younger brothers then pointed to the couch, "sit". They all obeyed, slowly walking over to sit down. Dylan was picking at his fingernails, Peter was clenching his jaw while looking at the floor, and Brandon was sitting up tall, looking as stubborn as ever.

"Ok, just tell me the truth." I begged. "Who did it?" Silence. "I'll ask one more time. Who. Did. It." Silence. "Alright then, all of you stand up and bend over the couch. Your all going to get punished until someone starts talking."

In the corner of my eye, I saw my little sister quickly walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs so she wouldn't be in the next room.

I took off my belt and bent it in half. Right as I began to swing I stopped. "Dean. It was your rug that was ruined, you should do it." I heard a whimper from someone. I know Brandon got spanked hard for sneaking out a few nights ago, I guess he hasn't fully "healed" yet.

"How do you know Laysee didn't do it" I heard Peter sass. "Because if Laysee wanted to try a sip of wine she would have just asked. And even if she didn't ask, she wouldn't let y'all get in trouble for her mistakes."

"Somebody tell me who ruined my rug or I'm going to start swinging" Dean warned.

Dylan let out on audible sigh, "I did it." I didn't quite believe him because of the shocked looks the other two boys gave him.

"Oh really" Dean said unamused, "You just all of a sudden had the urge to drink at 9am by yourself?"

"Yes sir" Dylan said turning around so he was facing us, "It was just me."

"No, it wasn't. I... I did it too." Brandon stated while turning around also.

"Peter, what about you?" I'm about 80% sure it was his idea, he's always had a little curiosity for alcohol.

"Nope, it didn't do shit, it was just them." He sassed again.


"Ow! Fine, geez I did it too."

"Alright then, now that we've settled that, I'm going to let Mark punish you while I go get some sleep." Dean turned around and left the room.

"You heard him, Dylan and Brandon bend back over the couch with Peter." They all sighed but no one protested.

I kept a steady rhythm, spanking each boy three times before moving on to the next kid. All I heard were grunts until about seven rounds later when Brandon started talking.

"Mark please we're sorry"

Mm hm I'm sure they are... "Who's idea was it?"

"Mine" Peter hissed. I gave him fifteen more.

"Who spilled the wine on Deans carpet?"

"I did" Dylan almost whispered. I gave him ten.

"Who's idea was it to cover the stain?"

"Mine" Dylan said, sounding miserable. I gave him another ten. "Owww"

"Lastly, who snuck the wine into his room?"

"Ugh, meeee" Brandon said. I gave him fifteen. 

"Alright boys we're done. When Dean wakes up y'all are going to spend the rest of the day getting that stain out and apologize to him."

"Yes sir" they all said.

"Now, who wants waffles?" A big smile crept on all their faces. I laughed, "I'll take that as a yes. Someone go get Laysee and tell her to come down and eat."

Dylan walked upstairs and they both came down a minute later. I made breakfast and the rest of the day went by fairly smoothly.

A/N: hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know if there is something specific you want to read.

P.S: I special thank you to: tigernat40 PanteraSilva  smartreaderwhiz FlwrFlore and sparrowinsky for voting on my story, it means so much!

~ Love Always, L ~

5 brothers and 1 sister (spanking story) Where stories live. Discover now