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Peter's POV:
"Really Peter, cheating!!" Mark yelled. "You are so smart, why in the world would you have to cheat?!"
What do I even say... 'well you see Mark, I hate math so I didn't study for the quiz'... no that won't work.

"If you needed help in math you could have just asked Laysee, you know she would have been happy to help you." Hell no am I going to ask "the queen of math" for help, she would sit there for hours forcing me to keep trying until I got it right and I would have died of boredom. I mean seriously, who likes math? I'll tell you who, psychopaths!!

"Peter are you even listening to me right now" Mark lifted up an eyebrow. Oh shit I started rambling in my head again!

Mark sighed, "I can't deal with this right now, I have to go to a meeting. Dean is headed here to pick you up. When you get home I want you to go to your room and do your homework until I get there. Tell Dean I said to take away your phone and computer, if I find out you didn't you're going to be in even more trouble. Got it?"

"Yes sir, sorry Mark" I said, why do I keep screwing up... Mark paused a minute, "Look Peter, you and I both know what you did is wrong, but you're a good kid, okay?"  "Mhm, sure Mark, whatever you say"

"Pet-" Mark started but he was cut off by a knock on the door. We both looked up and I froze... standing in the doorway was a furious Dean. I'm dead meat when I get home...

"Let's go" was all he had to say before I jumped out of my seat and ran out the room. Dean led me to the car, holding a firm grip on my upper arm. When I got in the car I prayed that the seat would swallow me up whole so I wouldn't have to listen to Dean yell.

"Please tell me this is some elaborate prank and you didn't cheat on a math test today" Dean said, with a hint of fire in his voice. "No sir, it's not a prank" I mumbled looking out the window.

In an instant I felt hands gripping my chin and Dean turned my head so I was forced to look at him. "Look at me when I ask you something, you know that. You could have gotten suspended Peter! Why did you do it, huh, why refuse to study when we both know you could get it if you practiced long enough??" I didn't know what to say, the truth would just get me in more trouble but ignoring him would make him madder. I compromised with just saying "I don't know why I did it" and lowered my head.

Dean held his gaze another minute before he turned and started the car. The drive was quick, we only live 10 minutes away from the school. The second he put it in park I ran inside and flopped backwards on my bed. Ughhh, I'm SO dead when Mark comes home!

After another few minutes of sulking I decided to start on some homework. I finished all of it in a few hours and looked at the clock on my dresser, 1:26. Now what am I supposed to do? I later down and took a nap and woke up to a knock on my door. "Peter it's me", my heart stopped. Have I really been asleep this long?!

Mark walked in with his hand behind his back, oh no, "did you get all your homework done?" Mark said slightly angry. Why is he angry right now? He has never stayed angry this long before.

"Yes sir I finished around 1:30" I stated. "Oh yeah, and how did you know what time it was when you finished huh?" Mark said while he crossed his arms. Why is he asking me that?

"Um because I looked at my clock, how else" I said pointing to it. I'm so confused right now. "So you didn't use your phone to check the time then did you"

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