part 26

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Sanskar:- you ok..

Ragini smiles at him and says

I am fine but it seems you were not fine.

She wipes his tears..

While he holds her hands.

Sanskar:- I am fine..

Ragini:- shall we go out.

Sanskar nodes his head.

Here in India.

Raghu was looking at sunset while kavitha was just staring at his face by laying her head on his shoulder.

Kavitha:- I thought so wrong about him and ragini. I should never doudt them. I will never in future too. I cant allow my mind to control me anymore.

She wipes a fresh tear from raghu eyes while he looks at her and they both shares smile.

Raghu:- kavitha let's get married.

Kavitha:- haa ( by getting up from him).

Raghu:- haa, I never shared these all with any one not even with ragini. I never shared I was guilty towards her. I was unable to forget our past. When ever she feels low I used to pacify her but never said about my pain. Its was you I shared everything and I am feeling so light today.

I love you kavitha will you marry me.

Kavitha:- haa but only when ragini and bhai returns.

Raghu:- of course without her no way.

Kavitha:- without my bhai no way.

They both smiles.

Raghu:- after three months they will come na we will immediately marry and already half month days completed. Now, I cant wait to marry you.

Here at London.

Ragini:- we are going on this.

Sanskar:- haa.

Ragini:- but

Sanskar:- I will be next to you.

Ragini:- that's another thing but still why ?

Sanskar:- another side their is a carnival so it will take time if we go in cab.

Ragini:- no, problem sir I dont mind. Let's go in cab.

Sanskar:- ragu maa..

She looks at him and smiles longingly .

Sanskar:- what happened?

Ragini:- first time you addressed me as ragu maa.

Sanskar:- you didnt like it , I mean ragu call as ragi and I want to call you differently.

Ragini:- thank you so much sir.

Sanskar:- but I am not ok with you calling me as sir.

Ragini:- I cant call you with your name in front of all.

Sanskar:- dont behave like old days people.

Ragini:- why what's wrong in olden days people culture of not calling husband name. Infact I would love to call you suno jii, suniena (she hits his shoulder with her elbow and acts like getting shy).

He laughs and says..

Sanskar:- I would love with what ever name you call but for now see down and see how beautiful this country is looking right now.

She sees around and widens her eyes finding herself in cable car.

She immediately holds sanskar tightly and says..

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