part 12

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Next day

Raghu and ragini we're traveling in car while ragini was staring angrily at Raghu .

Raghu:- come on Yar. My bike was on service and I have no option other than bringing car.
I knew you hate it but I can't let you travel in bus or auto to that distance .

Ragini sees him for few seconds and smiles . She immediately hugs him and says.

Ragini:- thanks for the concern Raghu.

Raghu ruffles her hair making her annoyed.

Raghu:- if you again say thank you then more bad will happen to your hair.

Ragini twists her lips and indulges seriin to newspaper. Raghu sees her marking few things.

Raghu:- why don't you listen to me and join my company.

Ragini who was still reading says without lifting  her head.

Ragini:- and you to knew what's my answer for it.

Raghu:- you don't care about my feelings and I am nothing for you right.

Ragini keeps newspaper  down and says I can say same to you too.

Raghu:- when I said no to you.

Ragini eyes him angrily mean time raghu phone rings showing kavitha calling. She raises her eyebrows by showing phone to which raghu cuts the call.

Here kavitha sees her phone being cutted she again calls .when raghu about to cut ragini says..

Ragini:- if you cut the call once again ,I will stop talking to you for one week and I mean it.

Raghu huffs and lifts the call.

Kavitha(happily):- hi raghu.

Raghu:- kavitha , I was driving if you don't mind can I call you once I reach office.

Kavitha:- oh my God you were driving. I am so sorry raghu I disturbed  you and you too naa you shouldn't have lifted my call. Anyway please call me once you reach office I have to talk with you about an important  matter and please take care and dont lifts calls while driving.

Raghu smiles seeing her concern but soon hides senses ragini teasing look.

Ragini:- why don't you admit that you too love her. (Seeing him silent she says) what's making you to be unaffected towards her raghu.  If I was reason then I will ho away.

Raghu:- shut up and you were not reason ok . I just confused about few things and that's making me to fear to admit to her love.

Ragini:-  if you don't talk with her then how your fear will go. Can't you see how much she is loving you.

Raghu:- I will think ragini.

Raghu in mind:- how can i say my fears with you ragini. How can i say you that  kavitha might hate you or feel insecure if she knows that you were my first love.

What if she unable to accept you and my friend after knowing about my one side love. Haa  I have feelings  towards her now thanks to her because of her true love I came to knew that my feelings towards you were just a mere of attraction.

His thoughts were interrupted  by ragini who says to stop as they reached orphanage.

Here Raghu drops ragini infront of orphanage and says ok we will meet tomorrow to which ragin nodes and gets down while raghu goes biding bye to her to which she too waves her hand towards his car. A hand was fisted tightly on steering seeing this scene .

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