part 16

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All looks at ragini being shocked..

Ragini:- what..

Raghu:- how? I mean kavitha and sanskar are siblings..

Ragini:- haa they both are bohra na.

Raghu:- tho , so many will be their with that surname.

Ragini:- do you act like fool or you are really fool.

Raghu:- ragini ..

Ragini:- yes, so many will be their with same surname but they dont have same father name na..

Raghu:- I am not understanding anything ragu.

Ragini:- arey both have ram prasad bohra in their name, their father's name.

Sanskar and kavitha still looking at her in utter shock while raghu still looks at her in confusion.

Ragini:- ok, I will explain you.

We knew kavitha from college days right and we knew about her surname and family background too.

Untill few days back I too didnt knew sanskar sir full name. But when I was filling details of sirs for tender then I saw his name also as sanskar ram prasad bohra.

First I didnt give importance to it but i saw their family photo in office records..

Sir, do you remember you asked me to search details of an employee then i saw yours..

I was about to talk but we indulge in project that I forgot to say kavitha and we were friends from college.

Sanskar just smiles..

Raghu:- if in that case why you both didnt mention about it. It's almost your second meeting right. Every time you both behaved as if you dont knew each other.

Kavitha starts to sweat while sanskar holds her hand and gives a little squeeze .

Sanskar:- that's because I dont want kavitha to face any problem because of me. You knew people might take her as advantage to reach me or to gain profit from me. That's why we family were never came to lime light.

Ragini smiles while raghu looks at him doubtedly but smiles falsely seeing kavitha.

Raghu sees ragini talking with them and thinks.

Something is not right, why sanskar answers were not convincing. Why do I feel like to protect ragini from them.

Why I dont like these both near ragini.

He scratches his hair and thinks..

May be ragu was right I was becoming too much . I should give space to ragu. She too should have a life and may be because of my this behavior only kavitha hating her.

I don't want any one to hate you ragu.

He gets senses when ragini jerks him.

Ragini:- where you lost, from that time they were calling you.

Raghu:- nothing , what happen?

Sanskar:- we are leaving raghu. I , I mean we just want to say bye.

When they about to leave but stops by listening to raghu.

Raghu:- one second.

All turns towards him while he walks towards sanskar.

Raghu:- actually I planned whole day with kavitha but it spoiled due to my stupidity. I dont knew how to fix but I want to drop her home.

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