part 5

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Ragini and sanskar were lost in each other's eyes while tears were rolling from their eyes.

Suyyash feels bad looking at their pain while keshwar who just comes down looks confused seeing ragini standing in front of door like statue .

She slowly moves towards door she smiles seeing suyyash but her smile slowly vanishes seeing sanskar who was standing in front of ragini.

She started moving toward them in anger. She moves ragini back and stands infront of her like a protective wall .

Her this move bought three of them out of their thoughts. suyyash about to speak but keshwar asks him .

Keshwar:- what he is doing here( turning to sanskar) and who allowed you here.

Suyyash:- keshwar , he was my childhood friend and my business partner. So ,obviously he will attend my marriage right.

Keshwar:- do you knew who is he.

Suyyash:- haa sanskar maheswari and I said right my childhood friend so what I should knew about him.

Keshwar:- he was same person who was reason of ragini's today condition. He was the same person who betrayed her.

Listening to her shouts all comes from their rooms while Yash to comes inside from garden holding arnav who was fast asleep.

Ragini started remembering all incidents from past.

Keshwar looks at all and again looks at suyyash..

Here no one knew who is sanskar. All knews only his name and trust me they hate him so much. If I say he was the same sanskar who ruined ragini life then think what they will do with him.

Suyyash gulps while seeing all before he could speak sanskar says..

Sanskar:- revealing about me or not your wish. But before that I want a fair chance to prove my love toward her. A fair chance to show how much I am loving her and missing her. I knew I did a sin I  can't take back those days but give me one chance so that I want to fill new memories instead of that painfull ones.
If you still don't believe me then your wish.

I am not only asking as husband of ragini but also asking a chance to be a great father to my  kid.

Keshwar widens his eyes and looks at suyyash and says don't tell me you said about arnav.

Suyyash bends his head and says he has right yar. Please give him a chance na please ragini.

Listening to this ragini comes into her senses before she could react suyyash introduces sanskar to family members as his childhood best friend and says his name as Shankar.

All welcomes him.

Suyyash:- ragini if you don't mind will you show him his room.

Keshwar:- arey , he came to our marriage then we should take care of him. Why ragini, I will show him his room with special care.

Come shankar.

Sanskar smiles sadly looking ragini who is avoiding his gaze but he can clearly see the pain and hurt in her eyes.

While going he looks around to get a glimpse of his son before he could see him ragini takes him from Yash and  literally runs from their.

He and Yash looks on at her direction.

Ragini runs into her room and locks herself. She leans on door and slides down slowly by holding arnav to her chest. Tears were falling from her eyes by remembering him breaking her💔heart.

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