part 11

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Flash back...

A boy was waiting outside restlessly on his bike .

Finally he started pressing horn loudly and shouts..

Come on yar rags how much time will you take to come out?

Here ragini comes out running and says ..

Ragini:- sorry sorry Raghu, I got late while getting ready.

Raghu:- seriously ragini, when did you started getting ready as a girl. Tum tho Mera Tom boy hena.

Ragini looks at him angrily and finally punches him on his stomach.

He shouts ouch by holding his stomach and says..

Yar why did you punch me, I said truth only right. How much you try to be girl na finally your Tom boy avtar comes out so it's waste for you to get ready as a girl.

Ragini:- Raghu, if you don't stop calling me  tom boy na. This time I can't assure you where I will punch you later your wish.

Raghu:- oh Meri maa, please forgive me and come we are getting late for lunch.

If we go according to your timing, we will reach at dinner time. You knew I am very busy.

Ragini:- from when you got job you changed alot always saying busy busy but don't worry I will take care of your free time from your busy schedule .

Raghu smiles scariticaly and says shall we leave now.

Ragini smiles and sits back of him by hugging him from back side. Raghu too smiles.

They both reaches restaurant and starts having lunch by cracking jokes and laughing together by giving hi five to each other.

At a corner of restaurant a group of girls seeing them . A girl from that gang says..

See kavitha when you called him for lunch he said that he have a very important personal work and ignored your invitation even after knewing that today was your graduation completion day and you too took it lightly.

Now you can see right what that important personal work he has.

From college days I am saying you to confess your feelings to him or else that ragini will fly away with him from under your nose,but you always keep on saying they were good friends.

Another friend:- be careful kavitha may be this good friends might not become good wife and husband in future and you will be just looking at them helplessly like now.

Kavitha just looks at them with tear filled eyes but that teary eyes soon turned to fire seeing scene infront of her.

Where Raghu was blowing into ragini eyes but it was looking like he was kissing her.

She calls him and sees him lifting his phone and keeping aside after seeing phone.

Here kavitha fists her phone tightly but soon smiles looking at ragini and gets up from their.

She reaches home and sees her mom and dad were fighting funnily.

She angrily starts throwing all things here and their taking her parents attention.

Ram and sujatha tries to stop her but she just pushes them and locks herself in her room.

They both knocks door continuesly hearing glass breaking sounds from inside.

Ram:- suji go and call sanskar only he can control her .

Sujatha goes and makes a call.

Here one person was explaining something to few people on projector.

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