part 22

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Sanskar smiles seeing ragini looking everything by opening her mouth and taking circles.

Sanskar:- stop it ragini. You head will spin.

Ragini:- it's so awesome sir. But my india is india but still it's so lovely..

Sanskar:- shall we move. We have to get fresh and then attend meetings.

Ragini:- what sir, first day itself.

Sanskar:- you came here for work purpose so we have to start from day 1 only na.

Ragini starts walking with him.

Ragini:- then when we will roam.

Sanskar:- after work ragini face gets brighten. If we get time.

Ragini:- If we didnt means.

Sanskar turns towards her and says.

Sanskar:- I promise you that I will show you whole place before we leave and also I will carry shopping bags of yours ok.

Ragini:- wow I love your promises sir, especially last one carrying bags was epic.

She goes with excitement while sanskar stands confused and says. Did I did mistake by doing such promises god.

God:- ofcourse my son it's one of most dangerous promise in the world and I cant help you but can give you alot of strength to holds that luggage..

Sanskar immediately runs hearing his inner voice.

Sanskar again chuckles seeing ragini sticking to car window and seeing outside.

Sanskar looks out and says..

Hi my dear london.

Ragini looks at him while cab driver too.

See I am warning now itself and dont say that I didnt gave any warning. See the beautiful lady sitting next to me is ogling at your beauty and I dont like you to ogle at her back as she was my most beautiful lady.

She might fall in love with your this tricks of impressing her then what will happen about my struggles to impress her.

Ragini blushes and looks another side while sanskar smiles by rubbing his nape.

Cab driver slowly.

Lovely couple.

Soon they reaches their hotel gets ready and starts to their meeting place..

Ragini:- this one was like a house.

Sanskar:- its suit ragini. We have 2 bedrooms,  one hall one kitchen. It will be given for business people.

Ragini:- wow.. so shall I make some coffee..I badly want to have.

Sanskar:- hmm..

She immediately goes inside while he goes to his room.

After sometime she comes with 2 coffee and freshen up too.

She giggles seeing him struggling with tie.

Sanskar:- why are you laughing..

Ragini:- you became so big still you dont knew how you do a tie.

Sanskar:- I knew how to tie. It's just that I dont knew what happened today this tie was not listening to me.

She keeps cups aside and says by moving close to him.

Ragini:- let's see will it lisen to me or not.

Sanskar:- oh then let's see whether this student will lisen to this teacher.

Ragini moves close to him and starts tieing while he get lost in her face. He giggles seeing her expressions.

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