part 19

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Sanskar was waiting inside his cabin by keeping his chin on his hands.

A knock disturbed his thoughts making him to come back to normal world.

Sanskar:- come in.

Ragini enters with a pleasant smile which makes him to forgot his worries. A immense pleasure he left to see her happy and smily face.

Sanskar in mind.

No matter what, no matter who might be . I wont allow anyone to hurt you. I will protect you and your this smile but what if it's me ...

Ragini:- sir, you called me.

Sanskar nodes and gestures her to sit.

Sanskar:- you knew we recently got a new project.

Ragini:- haa, sir it was assigned to a team and they were working on it. They almost completed.

Sanskar:- we got another project ragini.

Ragini:- wow, congratulations sir.

Sanskar:- for that I have to leave to Australia for 3 months .

Ragini sadly:- oh! When are you leaving sir.

Sanskar:- not only me actually we have to go. As you were my pa you should accompany me to Australia completely for 3 months.

Ragini happily:- sure sir.

Sanskar:- onces you take permission from your family as you were coming with me for 3 months.

Ragini:- sir, you knew I dont have a family.

Sanskar:- but you have raghu right and his permission is needed here. You once discuss with him and confirm to me so that I will prepare arrangements for our leave.

Ragini sees him with teary eyes nodes her head and leaves his cabin by wiping them.

Raghu and ragini were sitting in cafe, while raghu was in deep thoughts and ragini was thinking something and smiling. He sees her smile and says..

Raghu:- what happened ragini?

Ragini:- nothing, you say na shall I go or not.

Raghu:- did he really wanted my permission.

Ragini:- haa, infact he said your decision is important in my matters as you were my whole family. Someone raghu atleast someone is their in our life who understood our relation.

Sanskar is really different maybe someone special. I am lucky to have him as a friend and you will be lucky to have him as a family.

Raghu:- what ?

Ragini:- what , dont act like a most innocent kid. I knew these days you were always with kavitha khabi dating khabi chatting khabi long drive pai.

Kya chal raha hai.

Raghu:- fog chal raha hai.

Ragini:- acha , fog mein kya chal raha hai.

Raghu:- shut up.

Ragini:- arey how much more time you need to say your feelings on her. Come on raghu dont be so late to express your love to her. Damm it yar she is waiting for you just confession na. Dont be late otherwise anything can happen and dont make her wait it might be waiting for you but it will be unbearable pain for her.

You knew what I meant. From childhood we always craved for someone to love us genuinely and we also felt pain but we didnt find it. We knew the real pain then why are you giving that same ignorance to her .

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