part 14

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Ragini was waiting at restaurant while raghu comes running to her..

By sitting opposite to her..

Raghu:- sorry yar, got late.

Ragini:- now a days you were getting late. What the matter. 

Raghu:- a new project came and I am not getting time because of it that's it ok. Dont assume too much.

Ragini:- really ?

Raghu:- what do you mean by really.

Ragini:- I listened from someone from your company that someone special person  is meeting you daily, may be that's why you were forgetting this old friend.

Raghu narrows his eyes at her while she laughs ..

Raghu:- I am not ignoring you because of kavitha ok.

Ragini:- I didn't mention her name.

Raghu looks at her while ragini laughs more seeing his pale face.

Raghu by rubbing his nape.

Raghu:- what yar ragu..

Ragini:- by the way what is the progress.

Raghu:- what ?

Ragini:- did you gave any name for your feeling towards her.

Raghu:- ragini..

Ragini:- dont tell me you still need time.

Raghu:- ofcourse, I need time. Its matter of whole life.

Ragini:- I dont knew why I want to say this to you but remember one thing raghu.

Dont take too much time to understand her untill something bad happens.

Dont test her love too much because her love on you is equal to her dignity and never point out on her love because its equal to her self respect.

No one can bare someone questioning on their respect, either it a man or woman.

Raghu looks down by taking deep breath.

Raghu:- fine, I wont delay it anymore.  I will take a decision about it. By the way we are going out tomorrow.

Ragini:- oh oh , date and all haa.

Raghu:- nothing like that. Hi! ,why dont you join us tomorrow. 

Ragini:- seriously raghu? You want me to be a third wheel.

Raghu:- you were not third wheel. You were my buddy.

Ragini:- i am not coming anywhere with you that too when you were going to spend time with her.  I have to go now . Tomorrow we have important meeting in office and I want to rest today so that I won't freak out tomorrow.

Raghu nodes his head.

Next day..

Ragini was setting everything ready for meeting while sanskar enters his cabin and smiles seeing ragini arranging everything on his table.

He smiles and gets lost in her beauty and a cute smile on her face.

He smiles and gets lost in her beauty and a cute smile on her face

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