part 18

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Sanskar slowly break hug and sees ragini who was hiding her head in his chest and clutching his shirt lightly .

He immediately breaks hug and asks her by cupping her face.

Sanskar:- are you alright.

She opens her eyes and sees her.

Ragini:- I am fine , nothing happened to you na.

Sanskar:- I am fine ragini and that's why I said you should not disturb me. It's our luck that nothing happened to us or else.

Ragini bends her head.

What if something happens to you.

Ragini:- I am sorry.

Sanskar:- it's ok.

He tries to start car but it doesn't gets started.

Sanskar:- yar, not now.

He gets down and sees his car front completely got damaged.

He looks at ragini who is looking at him smiling sheepishly.

Ragini:- now how we will go.

Sanskar:- dont knew. I think we have to take lift from some vehicle.

Ragini:- will vehicles comes this side.

Sanskar:- it depends on whose face we saw first today.

They both waits and tries to stop vehicles but none stops.

Ragini:- I think we have to start to walk.

Sanskar:- by evening also you wont reach to city ragini.

Ragini:- not untill then. We can find any bus stop or any village so that we can take help.

What we will do by standing at this lonely place and by these days it's not good to be at these lonely places too na.

He looks at her for sometime and nodes his head. Both starts to walk and finally reaches a bus stop.

Finally both aboard bus .

Sanskar removes his coat and see out by waving his hand for air. He sees her who was seeing him by tapping her finger on her chin.

He smiles at her and raises his eyebrows indicating what..

Ragini:- you never travelled in bus sir.

Sanskar:- I did onces or thrice.

Onces while I was in college my bike spoiled then and again with friends for fun.

Ragini:- so you never knew bus expressions. You never stand in bus while travelling for hours. You never sweat in bus being tired.

Sanskar looks at him who was half wet .

Sanskar:- I think I was bathing in it now.

Ragini looks at his condition and feels bad. She immediately turns her head making him frown.

Sanskar:- what happened?

Ragini:- you never knew these all and because of me now you were suffering by traveling in this bus.

Sanskar:- hi, never think like that. Infact, I am loving this experience. I used to feel lonely while traveling and now I feel like thousands of people are traveling with me. I am not feeling lonely and haa I am not feeling that comfortable but I am not uncomfort too and I can walk miles for your sake this bus travel was nothing(looking in to her eyes)

Ragini smiles by blushing and looks another side while sanskar too smiles by looking out from window.

Ragini:- why I am liking him this much, she sees him who was looking outside of window by enjoying fresh air. She smiles more but soon that smiles vanishes.

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