part 27

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Next day morning ..

At london.

Sanskar was lost in deep thoughts while ragini places coffee infront of him bringing him back from his thoughts.

She smiles but looks confused when he keeps his head down and playing with his fingers.

Ragini:- are you feeling guilty.

Sanskar:- no, I am just ..

Ragini:- but I am feeling blessed. First time in my life someone gave me true love. I never knew true love gives us this type of feeling.

Sanskar:- what if I leave you.

Ragini:- you cant, you knew why ?

Sanskar:- why?

Ragini:- when a person can go to any extent for his family sake then what can he do for the person whom he will love and share his love.

He looks at her shocked while she just smiles.

Sanskar:- what do you mean by that ?

Ragini:- your love on kavitha always made to crave for a brother like you.

Sanskar:- ragini

Ragini:- kavitha and me are college friends sir and I knew from her love on raghu to her medical condition. That's why I always tried to make raghu realise her love.

Sanskar:- you knew about kavitha from starting.

Ragini:- haa, and at first I dont knew about you but later i got to knew by your surnames. I always thought you want to separate us that's why you did all this but I never knew you will love me.

Sanskar:- my love was not drama.

Ragini:- I knew and I think you always stocked between me and her.

Sanskar:- I tried my best to make her realise your both relation but.

Ragini:- I knew sir and it's not kavitha fault ,its her medical condition and may be some past too made her like that.

Sanskar:- past was their. She used to love a guy in her degree she did loved him truly but that person showed hell to her. He even doubted when she was with us and in back of her he was actually cheating with his cousine sister that made her to go to depression. He tried to take her life then at that time you both came into her life.

But you knew these all and you never got I might be faking ..

Ragini:- no, I never doubted you nor your love.

Sanskar:- raghu..

Ragini:- he doesnt knew and its kavitha right to say about her to raghu.

Sanskar:- yesterday..

Ragini:- its is out of love sanskar jii and yesterday what ever happened between us was not planned or your betrayel.

He immediately hugs her and cries his heart out.

Flashback breaks

Yuvraj:- you about kavitha and sanskar from starting and you still allowed him to betraye you.

Ragini:- haa, and he never betrayed me.


They both turns and finds raghu standing infront of her with teary eyes while ragini too started tearing.

Raghu:- bloody one year for whole one year I was searching you like a mad. Galli galli deka tha, why you went away just by leaving me.why did you hide kavitha past and her illnesses from me. Did you thought I will leave her after learning her truth or you thought that I wont support you.

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