part 15

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Ragini and sanskar were standing infront of  photos..

Ragini was seeing photos emotionally while sanskar was observing her face expressions.

Ragini was seeing photos emotionally while sanskar was observing her face expressions

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You knew I was 3 years younger than raghu.

I was left infront of our orphanage gate. It was raghu who saw me first. He immediately bought me inside with our head aunty.

I used to be so calm with him and very fussy with others. Only aunty and raghu able to handle me.

From that moment raghu was like a medicine of peace to me. We can't give name to our relationship or bonding.

It more than all relationships in this world. People used to think that we were in love but for me raghu was more than that.

He has a incredible place and respect in my heart.

In between i was adopted by some people and later raghu was adopted .

My name sake parents turned to be evil . They just bought me for doing works and to serve in their mini bar. I was so scared to see those drunk people. But my adopted father he was more evil than those drunkards. Those drunkards never saw me with bad eyes but he used to. First I didnt get what he was doing later I started to understand he was trying to touch me in bad way.

Sanskar closes his eyes and tightens his fist.

Onces he tried to misbehave with me. But one servant saved me and helped to escape and finally I again reached to aunty and said all truth.

Aunty filed complaint against them but they brided police and they were trying to shut case but at that time raghu and his adopted parents came to orphanage after knowing about me.

Uncle used all his power and force for my case and finally made them to be arrested and raghu mom helped me alot to come out from that trauma.

Ragini turns towards sanskar with teary eyes and says..

You knew raghu mom used to say raghu didnt accepted them completely. He was calling them as uncle and aunty but after what his dad and mom did to me . He started accepting them ,loving them and he even started  to call them as dada and mamma.

They were so happy that they wanted  wanted  to adopt me but I was not ready as my wounds were still fresh and somewhere I used to have a strong belief that people were only friendly with me to get something from me. They used to act as loving me. Ofcourse I knew raghu parents love was gueniue but I was afraid what if i loose them because i was unlucky that's why i never got pure and true love.

I didnt agreed to their decision. They too respected my decision but you knew what they did. They started to live with me in orphanage.

Sanskar looks at her being surprised...

They were more than parents for me and they too used to love me more than themselves.

But that to shortlived. We lost them when we were in final degree. We never felt that miserable when we were orphans. But we lost our everything when they left us alone.

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