scare me

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I guess I was skating in my own little bubble of fury for a while, because all of the sudden the loudspeakers crackled.

"Attention all skaters, the rink will be closing in ten minutes. It is ten minutes to eight. I repeat the rink will be closing in ten minutes."

I looked up and around the rink. I was the only person still skating. I really needed to start paying better attention.

So I quickly skated to the edge of the rink and skated off. I went to the bench where I had put my bag and checked my phone. I missed a lot of texts. I even had a voicemail from my step-dad.

"Where the heck are you? You need to get yourself down here right now. And I mean it."

Wow, that's a nice message from the man who is supposed to be a father figure. I had to go to the bathroom so I took off my skates and put on my high-tops. When I got out of the bathroom I could hear loudly whispering voices.

"I'm sorry!"

"You better be."


"Well, you'll soon learn what happens to people who don't uphold their end of bargains."

"Listen, I'm really sorry."

Wait, I'd heard that sorry before. What was Miles still doing here? And who was he talking to?

I turned the corner and made sure that I could see them and they couldn't see me. There was Miles and the rink's owner, Dave. What was going on?

"You didn't get me the money. I needed that money, kid. I don't think you know how important that was. Do you?"

"I'm guessing really important?"

"Yes, and I chose you to get it for me. But you didn't. You just came and told me that something else came up."

"Something did. My friend needed help with..."

I quietly gasped. I was trying to breathe as softly as I could, without cutting off my air supply.

"Sure, whatever. You won't ever be able to help that friend again. 'Cause you'll be long gone."

"Please, no."

What the heck was happening? I should have gone and called someone but it was like my feet were glued to the floor. My heart was beating so fast. I knew what was coming, but I was hoping it wouldn't.

"I let you in on the secret of how this rink survives all of these years. It's not easy in this town to have a nice place. Especially not somewhere as popular as this, but because of some law I can't charge as much as I want to. This place needs money to keep going, but do I get all that money, no. So I have to rely on dumb kids like you to steal money and bring it to me. But you, oh you, were the first one to decide they were too good to uphold their side of the deal. So, goodbye kid."

"Ah, UGh!"

I couldn't watch, it was so terrible. I had no idea what to do, or even think. I may not want him as my friend anymore, but I would never want him dead. And who is this guy, what is his problem?

"Alright, the deeds are done. Backup, come and take the body. Nobody can know what happened here."

He turned and walked into his office. With this quick opportunity before whoever the backup was came. I ran to the door and quickly ran down the street. Hoping nobody noticed that I was there.

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