scream queen

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When I got to school, everyone stared at me as I went down the hallway. I was ok with it though, because it had happened yesterday too. Today though, the men weren't following me everywhere though. They were in an office they set up and were watching me through security cameras. If you ask me, they got lazy. But, if I were to do anything bad, they could quickly and easily come find me and tell me off. Wait, did they have a security camera in the bathroom? Wait, no they can't. That's illegal.

As I walked down the hallway I ran into her again.

"Hey, AJ. See me on TV yesterday?"

"Yeah, I did. Thanks for telling lies."

"Everything I said was true. It's not that hard to find bad things on you."

"What you said about my dad isn't true."

"Sure it isn't. I researched."

"I lived with him. And thanks to you, this whole town thinks I had a disturbed childhood."


She walked down the hallway. I just stood there all mad looking. I guess I looked mad all through the next few periods, because on my way to English-

"Are you okay?"

"Huh, yeah."

"Okay, because you were just standing there like you're planning to kill someone."

"Oh, sorry. Just a little mad about everything."

"I understand where you're coming from."

"Who are you?"

"Oh, right we haven't met before. I'm Cameron. Like in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

"Cool. I love that movie. I would tell you who I am. But I'm guessing you already know."

"I do, everybody does."

"Yeah, I realized that."

"You said you're mad?"


"Want any help with that?"

"What do you mean?"

"That sounded weird didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did."

"I meant, I have somewhere where you can yell as much as you want, and nobody will hear you."

"You do?"

"Yeah. If you want me to take you there."

"Sure, as long as it's on school grounds. I'm not allowed to leave."

"It is. But still somewhere where nobody can see or hear you."

"Alright then."

Then I followed him to wherever he had this place. I had never seen him before. But there seemed to be something a little different about him. I didn't know what at the time.

"Alright we're here."


He'd led me to the most breathtaking place. We were on top of the school's roof. It had an amazing view of the city.

"How'd you know about this place?"

"I have my ways. And I needed somewhere to be alone."

"And you'd let me know about this place?"

"I decided you need that kind of place too. What with all that's going on right now?"

"And you'd risk being with the accused murderer?"

"Well, I decided that if I didn't want to die, I'd better get on your good side."


"Of course not. I don't think you did it."


"Yeah, wait, did you?"

"Of course not. Just why would you of all people decide to kill your best friend?"

"Good question. It's all because of that stupid..."

"Stupid what?"


"It's all because of that stupid rink owner?"

"How'd you know?"

"I had a feeling. I mean it was at the rink. And I've known people to do his little 'errands'."


"Why aren't you telling anyone what you know?"

"I can't."


"Two reasons. One whenever I get to the topic I get all choked up. And two, the guy, his name's Dave, will kill me if I tell anyone. He made that very clear the other day."

"Well, you didn't tell me, I found out on my own."


"Have you told anyone else? Your step-dad for example?"

"No, I told you I don't want to be killed. Besides nobody but you believes me."

"What about that girl...Naia?"

"Weird you know about her."

"What, I know who everyone is."

"Well, I haven't told her yet, but she believes that I didn't do it."

"And that's all the recognition you need?"

"In a way."

"Yeah, thought so."

The bell rang in the distance.

"Well, better go back to class. Or people will notice I'm missing."

"Yeah, see you again sometime up here?"




I went down the small ladder and made my way to my next class. I never actually yelled. But I'd lost all my anger anyway. Funny. Some kid.

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